Ojiisan, the oldest and wealthiest man in the village, doesn’t join the others at the rice ceremony. Instead he watches from his balcony. He feels something is coming—something he can’t describe. When he sees the monster wave pulling away from the beach, he knows. Tsunami! But the villagers below can’t see the danger. Here is the unforgettable story of one man’s simple sacrifice saved hundreds of lives. An extraordinary celebration of both the power of nature and the power each of us holds within.
- ISBN: 9780399250064
- Author: Kajikawa, Kimiko
- Illustrator: Young, Ed
- Published: 2009, Philomel
- Themes: Nature, Rescues, sacrifice, Tsunami
- Descriptors: Asia, Folklore and Fairy Tales, Japan, Picture Book, Primary (ages 6-9)
- No. of pages: 32
The book Tsunami, by Kimiko Kajikawa and illustrated by Ed Young is an informative text about living through a tsunami. This picture book is relatable for many students today. Schools around the world are raising money to send aid to Japan after the recent tsunami tragedy. This book would be a great read aloud to allow students to understand the severity of the problem in Japan. It is also an excellent way to connect Japanese culture into the classroom. The way that Ojisan sacrificed his own wealth to save four hundred lives is honorable and a great lesson for students to learn. The illustrations create a different perspective of what you envision happening and therefore the reader can have his/her own interpretation of the pictures.