Elizabeth has an excellent pet duck, a loving granddad and a first name that’s just awesome. After all, she’s got a queen named after her! So she’s really not amused when people insist on using nicknames like “Lizzy” and “Beth.” She bears her frustration in silence until an otherwise ordinary autumn day, when she discovers her power to change things once and for all. In the process, Elizabeth learns about communication and respect — and their roles in building better relationships with family and friends.
- ISBN: 9781554535606
- Author: Dunklee, Annika
- Illustrator: Forsythe, Matthew
- Published: 2011 , Kids Can Pr
- Themes: change, Communication, Discoveries, Learning, relationships
- Descriptors: Canada, Fiction, Picture Book, Primary (ages 6-9)
- No. of pages: 24