Seen And Not Heard

This is a big old house full of treasure, mystery, and stories. Here, just look up on the wall. See these beautiful paintings? These are children who used to live here long ago: the DeVillechild twins, the Pinksweet tots…My, they look like such good children. So very well behaved.

Troll and the Oliver

Every day when Oliver goes out, Troll tries to eat him. But catching Oliver is very tricky—he’s fast, sneaky, and just too clever! It is only when it looks like Troll has given up and Oliver celebrates victory that—CHOMP!—he gets eaten, and it turns out that Olivers don’t taste very nice after all.

I Am Henry Finch

The finches live in a big flock that makes such a racket nobody can hear themselves think. But one day a small bird wakes up in quiet darkness and has a thought, and he hears it: I am Henry Finch. I could be great. The next day, the Beast comes, and Henry sees his chance—but then a mouth opens wide, and the path to greatness turns out to have some unexpected twists. da

The Murdstone Trilogy

Award-winning YA author Philip Murdstone is in trouble. His star has waned. The world is leaving him behind. His agent, the ruthless Minerva Cinch, convinces him that his only hope is to write a sword-and-sorcery blockbuster. Unfortunately, Philip—allergic to the faintest trace of Tolkien—is utterly unsuited to the task. In a dark hour, a dwarfish stranger comes to his rescue. But the deal he makes with Pocket Wellfair turns out to have Faustian consequences.

Bob and Flo

It’s Flo’s first day of preschool. She has her lunch in a bucket and a new bow—but soon her bucket disappears! Does her classmate Bob have anything to do with the bucket mystery? How two irresistible little penguins find both Flo’s bucket and a new friendship makes for a preschool charmer.


The story behind the epic bestseller Redwall. One late autumn evening, Bella of Brockhall snuggled deep in her armchair and told a story. It all began the day the soldiers from Kotir knocked on Ben Stickle’s door. Led by the ferret, Blacktooth, they had come for the family’s food supplies to swell the larders of the dark castle. And so it had been since the day Verdauga Greeneyes, king of wildcats, came down from the north and set himself up as tyrant ruler. Now the woodlanders lived a life of serfdom and cruelty.

Brian Froud’s Goblins 10 1/2 Anniversary

If you brought home the first edition, you were in big trouble! If you bring home this new and expanded edition, you are in even deeper trouble! Renowned artist Brian Froud and scholar Ari Berk have continued their exploration of the goblin realm. (For the uninformed, goblins are those maleficent creatures who cause all manner of havoc in the human realm.)