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Student Connections to Going, Going by Naomi Shihab Nye

by Julia López-Robertson, Amanda Dunnigan, and Rebecca Martin, The University of South Carolina

. . . it has to begin with acceptance and by honoring people’s cultural practices; way of life, language and belief systems— even if one doesn’t fully understand it.”

Book jacket of Going, Going by Naomi Shihab NyeSet in San Antonio, Texas, Going, Going by Naomi Shihab Nye follows the main character, Florrie, a teenager as she begins a grassroots campaign to protest the loss of local business to large corporations. Having worked in her mother’s restaurant as long as she could remember, Florrie understood the importance of supporting local businesses. My students connected Florrie’s struggle to maintain the local in San Antonio to maintaining our own students’ language and culture. Continue reading

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The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian: Students Facing Injustice

by Julia López-Robertson, Deanna Futrell, Jennifer Judy and EDRD 797, The University of South Carolina
The Absolute True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Continue reading

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Graphic Novels and the English Language Learner: American Born Chinese

by Julia López-Robertson, Jennifer Judy, Lisa Stockdale with Kirstin Wade, The University of South Carolina

Cover from American Born ChineseYang stresses the importance of being who you truly are and nothing less. As teachers it is our duty to create a classroom environment in which our students can feel free and comfortable being themselves.

Student Response to American Born Chinese

This month my students and I explore the use of young adult novels with English Language Learners; several of the blogs will provide suggestions for classroom use which will include a discussion of the assessment of English Language Learners in mainstream classrooms. We begin our blog with an exploration of American Born Chinese (Yang, 2006).
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English/Spanish Codeswitching in Children’s Literature

by Janine Schall, University of Texas-Pan American, Edinburg, TX

I Love Saturdays y domingos

I spend los domingos with Abuelito y Abuelita.

Abuelito y Abuelita are my mother’s parents.

They are always happy to see me.

I say: –¡Hola, Abuelito! ¡Hola, Abuelita!—as I get out of the car.

And they say: –¡Hola, hijita! ¿Cómo estás? ¡Hola, mi corazón!

I Love Saturdays y domingos
Alma Flor Ada

“I love to see that my language is valued and that my ELL students are offered booksthat they can connect to.” – Gracia

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Session Spotlight: Confronting Difficult Life Events through Story III


Young people understand more than we give them credit for. Reading books about difficult topics allows them to think about strife in their lives before they have to face it.— Jewell Parker Rhodes

Today’s blog concludes a discussion by authors Ruta Sepetys, Jim Deem, and Jewell Parker Rhodes at the 2012 Tucson Festival of Books in March entitled “Confronting Difficult Life Events through Story.” In this section, the authors examine their feelings as they worked on books that contained difficult material, and what they are working on next.
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Session Spotlight: Confronting Difficult Life Events through Story II

by Ann Parker, Pima Community College, Tucson, Arizona


I realized that the lowlands were always given to the poor, so naturally the Ninth Ward would flood.

“I’ll tell you what happened to me, but you have to promise never to use my name.”

. . . Kristallnacht was a blink in time . . .

Today’s blog continues the discussion between authors Ruta Sepetys, Jim Deem, and Jewell Parker Rhodes at the 2012 Tucson Festival of Books in March entitled “Confronting Difficult Life Events through Story.”
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Session Spotlight: Confronting Difficult Life Events through Story

by Ann Parker, Pima Community College, Tucson, Arizona

Book cover for Between Shades of GrayToday’s blog begins a discussion by authors Ruta Sepetys, Jim Deem, and Jewell Parker Rhodes at the 2012 Tucson Festival of Books in March entitled “Confronting Difficult Life Events through Story.” The discussion will continue in the next two blogs. All three authors have published books, both fiction and non-fiction, that deal with terrible historical events and the resiliency of people to endure in the most horrific of circumstances.
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