It’s almost time for supper, and Alego goes with her grandmother to the shore to collect clams. Along the way, the girl discovers tide pools brimming with life — a bright orange starfish, a creepy crawly ugjurnaq, sea snails, and a sculpin. A rising star of the famed Cape Breton Inuit art scene, author and illustrator Ningeokuluk Teevee draws on her own childhood experiences in the Arctic for this enchanting introduction to the life of an Inuit girl and her world. Printed in both Inuktitut and English, the book includes an illustrated glossary of the sea creatures in the story as well as a map of Baffin Island.
- ISBN: 9780888999436
- Author: Teevee, Ningeokuluk
- Published: 2009 , Groundwood
- Themes: Arctic, Indigenous, Inuit, Sea creatures
- Descriptors: Americas, Canada, Picture Book, Primary (ages 6-9)
- No. of pages: 24
The textured graphite and colored pencil illustrations in this book
make complex use of foreground, middle ground, and background
perspectives. One problem is that none of the illustrations show the
grandmother and child looking at each other. This may be a cultural
difference where direct eye contact is seen as disrespectful but this
lack of connection seems to rob the illustrations of emotional impact.