Chicken, Pig, Cow’s First Fight

Chicken, Pig, and Cow have always gotten along well—until the day Girl builds a big city out of blocks. Thinking something is missing, Chicken makes a leaf statue. Now the city is perfect. Pig loves zipping and zooming around the city. Chicken warns him to be careful, but Pig is having too much fun to listen. Then the inevitable happens: Pig zooms right into Chicken’s statue, destroying it. Chicken is furious! Pig’s attempts to fix the statue only make matters worse. In the end, he demolishes the entire city. Realizing what a mess he’s made, Pig hides while Chicken, Cow, and Dog rebuild the city. After a nap, Pig feels better and returns to apologize to his friends. They forgive him and invite him to join them in putting the finishing touches on the city. As with all the books in this popular series, Chicken, Pig, Cow’s First Fight offers young children a gentle message about teamwork and cooperation.

Noni Is Nervous

Noni is nervous about playdates and global warming and, most of all, the first day of school. Her parents are worried too, and even her brother is a little wary. But Noni finds a friend, someone a little more outgoing than herself, and discovers that through friendship, she can belong and succeed in a world that once filled her with dread.

Brief Thief

“A lizard takes the liberty of using what seem to be some old underpants when he runs out of toilet paper. What he doesn’t count on is that his own conscience and an outraged rabbit will be watching.”

The Pig In The Pond

Pigs don’t swim, or so it’s said. But on one of the hottest days of the summer, the pig on Neligan’s farm sits by the pond feeling envious of the ducks and the geese floating in the cool water. Finally, when she can endure the heat no longer—splash!—this sweltering pig takes a dive, throwing the entire farm into an uproar. It isn’t long, however, before the refreshing idea catches on, and the pig finds that she’s got company! This spirited tale with its exuberant illustrations is sure to be a hit with all those young and old who ever wanted to take the plunge.

The Magic Tree: A Tale From The Congo

Retells a Congolese tale in which an ugly and unloved twin discovers a magic tree that gives him everything he wants.

The Three Little Pigs And The Somewhat Bad Wolf

In this original version of the traditional tale, the three little pigs are in their usual trouble with the somewhat bad wolf–who is really just very hungry and frustrated that the pizza parlor will not serve him.