There’s a Princess in the Palace

In this hilarious collection of princess stories with a distinctive spin, there’s Cinderella, who was, though you may not know it, Sleeping Beauty’s mom; Sleeping Beauty, who didn’t fall asleep because of the prick of a needle—it was sheer boredom; Snow White and her diminutive friends—Les, Lou, Sam, Hank, Nat, Myron, and Bethanne; the princess of frog fame; and the princess of pea fame.

Albertine’s Got Talent!

Albertine’s mother and father and brother all have special talents. Her mom sews up new outfits for dolls and superheroes in minutes. Her dad grows award-winning vegetables. Her brother Sam is a top-notch soccer player. But Albertine doesn’t have a special talent—yet.

Snow Rabbit, Spring Rabbit: A Book Of Changing Seasons

What do the animals do when the snow falls to the ground and all the trees are bare?  Some fly long distances, while some swim to warmer waters.  Some take a long, warm sleep where they live, while others have a thick, cozy coat and can stay in the snow! As with Il Sung Na’s previous books, this book is filled with rich illustrations, charming animals, and a simple, lyrical text—all wrapped up in a gorgeous package. It’s a gentle introduction to the ideas of adaptation, hibernation, and migration, and an exhuberant celebration of changing seasons.

Me and You

A small bear goes for a stroll in the park with his parents, leaving their bowls of porridge cooling on the kitchen table. Meanwhile, a girl with golden hair is hopelessly lost in a big, frightening city when she comes across a house with the door left invitingly open. Inside are three bowls of porridge in the kitchen, three chairs in the living room, and three comfortable-looking beds upstairs, and no one seems to be home . . .

William Shakespeare: His life and Times

A lavish, interactive introduction to the great poet’s life, his work and the times he lived in.In this enthralling scrapbook that William Shakespeare compiled for his daughter, he looks back on his life as he retires from the theatre. Discover late-sixteenth- and early-seventeenth centurystories of love, war, kings and queens, fellow playwrights and actors, explorers and life in London.

When Martha’s Away

Martha may think her cat, Lionel, merely naps while she is at school, but she is quite mistaken. Lionel has a jam-packed schedule. He busies himself during the day by catching up on current affairs, weightlifting, cooking, painting, and most important socializing. This award-winning tale of a cat’s private life is presented with humor and panache by the talented Bruce Ingman.

Big Wolf and Little Wolf

Big Wolf has always lived alone at the top of a hill under a tree, so when a little wolf suddenly arrives one day, he does not know what to think. Everytime, he turns around, there is little wolf, until one day he is missing and Big Wolf gets worried.


Five senses, four seasons. From the sounds of the birds singing in the trees to the feel of the first snowflake, its a whole year of discovery and changes, a whole year to grow and learn with nature…