A Tale of Two Beasts

There are two sides to every story. In part one, a little girl finds a strange beast in the woods and takes it home as a pet. She feeds it, shows it off to her friends and gives it a hat. But that night it escapes. Then, in part two, the beast tells the story of being kidnapped by the girl, who forcefed it squirrel food, scared it with a group of beasts and wrapped it in wool. Can the two beasts resolve their differences? An eye-opening story that makes you look at things from a different perspective.

Brave Chicken Little

A retelling of the classic story of Chicken Licken, who has an acorn fall on his head and runs in a panic to his friends Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, and others, to tell them the sky is falling.

Bug In A Vacuum

A bug flies through an open door into a house, through a bathroom, across a kitchen and bedroom and into a living room, where its entire life changes with the switch of a button. Sucked into the void of a vacuum bag, this one little bug moves through denial, bargaining, anger, despair and eventually acceptance, the five stages of grief, as it comes to terms with its fate.

Seven Second Delay

In a future where few places are still habitable and people share their entire lives on the Web, Mila illegally enters the Isles, is captured and has a telephone implanted in her brain, and escapes but government agents are after her and her greatest asset is a seven second delay from the time she acts until they receive the signal.

Featured in Volume VIII, Issue 1 of WOW Review.

Elephant Man

Every night people swarm to a theater in London to see the Elephant Man, whose real name is Joseph Merrick. They scream in terror at the sight of him. But beneath Joseph’s shocking exterior, he longs for affection and understanding. Disfigured in childhood by a rare disease, Joseph is rejected by his family, bullied in the streets, and ridiculed at his job. While touring Europe with a freak show, he’s robbed and abandoned. Joseph seems to encounter misfortune at every turn, but eventually finds friendship with a kind doctor in England.

Tales Of Trotter Street

A collection of stories each of which portrays a different family in a neighborhood in England. Throughout stories, the delicious, delightful ordinariness of side-by-side day-to-day life is introduced.

Olly And Me

A visit to the library, making pancakes with Dad, slooshing with water in the yard — in this collection of poems and anecdotes, a young girl named Katie tells of her family and friends and the everyday moments that make up her world. Most especially, there is Olly, her little brother, who does many things with Katie and, to her chagrin, even tries to join in when she’s doing ballet.