The Goose Girl

On her way to marry a distant prince, a young princess is forced to trade places with her evil serving maid and becomes a goose girl instead of a bride when she reaches her destination.

Sleeping Beauty

When the king and queen throw a banquet in honor of the birth of their daughter, they invite all of the fairies, but one, Skura, who attends the feast, seeking revenge. She curses the baby, but her evil intentions are undone by the good fairy who instead promises years of sleep.


Cinderella: The Dog and Her Little Glass Slipper

In this retelling of the classic fairy tale, an attractive mutt wins the heart of a prince with the help of her canine grandmother.

The Sleeping Beauty

Enraged at not being invited to the princess’ christening, the thirteenth fairy casts a spell that dooms the princess to sleep for one hundred years.

Snow White

Spared by her would-be executioner, Snow White finds a home with seven kindly dwarfs, but the hateful queen who wants her dead will stop at nothing to be the most beautiful woman in the land. A poisoned apple seems to send Snow White to her death, but true love brings her back, and good once again prevails.

Traveling Tom and the Leprechaun

Like many before him, Tom, a traveling minstrel, has fallen in love at first sight with the beautiful princess Kathleen. But Kathleen has vowed only to marry the man who can win a leprechaun’s pot of gold. Tom sets out with a clever plan to fool a leprechaun into giving up his fortune. Upon meeting one of the fair folk, Tom charms him with songs and stories. As it turns out, however, Tom’s tales hold more truth than trick.

Atalanta’s Race: A Greek Myth

atalantaIn ancient Greece, the gods control every life, from peasant to King. When newborn Princess Atalanta is left to die on a mountainside because her father wanted a son, the gods send a bear to care for her. Adopted by a woodsman, she grows into a great hunter and athlete, and is eventually reunited with her father, the King. But as she gets older, Atalanta has no use for the gods and gives them no credit. When she must run the most important race of her life, on which her future happiness rides, the gods intercede once more–and Atalanta learns they will not be ignored forever.