The Nights of the World

This book tells us how a child sleeps and what happens by day through five regions of the world.

Come Fly with Me

When Woggy, the stuffed dog, and Cosmos, the wooden airplane, decide it is time to get away from the toy box and to go somewhere, they figure the only way to go is to fly, and the only way to fly is together. So in a grand adventure, out and up they swoop, Satomi-style: whirling up stairs, and past sleepy apartment windows, and over enchanting rooftops until they meet the Cloud Monster.

Saying Good-bye: A Special Farewell to Mama Nkwelle

This deeply personal story looks at the stately Nigerian funeral for the author’s grandmother, said to be “the greatest traditional dancer of her generation,” as told by Onyefulu’s young son. “When Mama Nkwelle died, everyone came to say good-bye. Uncle Asika said it was a special good-bye. It took more days than I can count on my fingers.

Clinton Gregory’s Secret

A week in the life of a boy with a very active imagination. Clinton Gregory has at least seven secrets, one for each night of the week. Monday, he wrestled a dragon named Gordon; Wednesday, he was invited to dinner with giants; and Sunday, he made paper hats for a ship full of pirates and then rocketed to the moon and back.

Elephants Never Forget!

When a terrible storm scatters a group of elephants, a little elephant finds himself all alone in the jungle. Where can he turn? The water buffalo look nice enough, but he couldn’t become a part of their herd. He decides to stay with them, but when they meet up with some elephants, he must make an important decision.

Morris’s Disappearing Bag: A Christmas Story

Morris, the youngest child, is spurned on Christmas morning by his brothers and sisters. He is not having much fun until he discovers a present he had overlooked–a disappearing bag that makes people invisible.

Oink, Oink Benny

Benny is going out. He is tired of hanging around inside. Benny’s little brother is going out, too. He’s also sick of hanging around inside. “Stay away from the mudhole,” says Benny’s mama. “Oink, oink,” says Benny. Then Benny and his little brother head straight for the mudhole.

The Tomten and the Fox

A tomten agrees to share his porridge with a hungry fox who in turn must not disturb the farm animals.