Little Blue Chair

Boo’s favorite chair is little and blue. He sits in it, reads in it and makes a tent around it until the day he grows too big for it. His mother puts the little blue chair out on the lawn where a truck driver picks it up. The truck driver sells it to a lady in a junk store where it sits for many years until it’s sold and put to use as a plant stand. In the years that follow, the little blue chair is used in many other ways until the day it flies away, borne aloft by balloons, and lands in a garden of daffodils where a familiar face finds it.

The Great Aaa-Ooo!

On his way home through the woods, Mouse hears a loud AAA-OOO! He thinks it’s Owl, and Owl thinks it’s Mouse. Bear grumbles, “Which one of you made that awful AAA-OOO?” Then Moose, Duck, and other animals hear it, too, and they’re all afraid. Could it be a monster making that terrible noise?

Rabbit Magic

When a magic trick goes awry, the magician M. Lapin becomes a sad rabbit while his rabbit assistant, Houdini, becomes the star of the show. After trying increasingly spectacular tricks, Houdini realizes that someone else wants and deserves the spotlight, and in his most amazing trick ever, he restores M. Lapin to his former self.

Walk with Me

A deceptively simple, imaginative story depicting the complex emotional reality of a girl whose father no longer lives at home. The girl conjures up an imaginary companion, a lion, who will come with her on the long walk home from school. He will help her to pick up her baby brother from daycare and shop at the store (which has cut off the family’s credit), and he’ll keep her company all along the way until she is safe at home.

Featured in WOW Review Volume XI, Issue 2.

When An Elephant Falls In Love

When an elephant falls in love, he does many foolish things. He hides when the elephant-object of his affection is around. He writes dozens of letters that he will never send. And he tries to be healthy, but ends up finishing the cheesecake.

Blue Penguin

Far away, near the South Pole, a blue penguin is born. It is not something you see every day. “I feel like a penguin,” says Blue Penguin. “But you’re not like us,” the others tell him. Blue Penguin can’t jump or dive very well, so the others wander off and leave him behind. In his loneliness, Blue Penguin begins to dream, and he starts to sing.

French Toast

Phoebe half Jamaican, half French-Canadian hates her school nickname of “French Toast.” So she is mortified when, out on a walk with her Jamaican grandmother, she hears a classmate shout it out at her. To make things worse, Nan-Ma, who is blind, wants an explanation of the name.