Children can peek inside various objects, such as teddy bears and television sets, before discovering what’s inside their mother’s tummy.
Catalog sorted by age group
One night, just before final exams, 18-year-old Franklin Crabbe–smart, rich yet unhappy and a semi-alcoholic–packs his gear and drives away into the woods to disappear completely.
Omar On Board
Omar isn’t nearly as good as his friends at swimming or jumping off the diving board but when it comes to helping a friend, Omar forgets all about his fears.
Mexican Native Costumes: Originals And Text
Since remote times, Mexican wearing apparel has been varied, rich and of spectacular appearance. This booklet describes traditional costumes from various states in Mexico, including Oaxaca, Puebla, Chiapas, Jalisco and Michoacan.
The Night Of The Fireflies
Toshio takes his sister, Miko, through the woods to the river, where they join other children in capturing fireflies and placing them in lanterns.
Mario’s Mayan Journey
A young Mexican dreams that he meets two Mayan children and together they visit ancient ruins in the jungles of the Yucatan.
Luba: The Angel Of Bergen-Belsen
Presents an illustrated biography of the Jewish heroine, Luba Tryszynska, who saved the lives of more than fifty Jewish children in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp during the winter of 1944/45.
Rosie and the Nightmares
Tired of having nightmares about monsters, Rosie the rabbit decides to confront her fears.
I Lost My Dad
A small boy loses his Dad while browsing in the toy section of a department store.
On The Road
A mother and her two children load up the car and travel to the sea passing many other types of vehicles on their journey.