Hidden Powers: Lise Meitner’s Call To Science

A biographical novel in verse about Lise Meitner, an Austrian Jew and physics professor in Nazi Germany who escaped to Sweden and whose work led to the discovery of nuclear fission. Includes author’s note and timeline.

Omar Rising

Seventh-grader Omar must contend with being treated like a second-class citizen when he gets a scholarship to an elite boarding schoo in Pakistan.

Lady Icarus: Balloonmania And The Brief, Bold Life Of Sophie Blanchard

“Before Amelia Earhart, there was Sophie Blanchard, the first woman to earn her living in the air. While no one knows the fate of Earhart, a terrified crowd of thousands looked on as French aeronaut Sophie Blanchard met her end in a tragic blaze of glory over the streets of Paris in 1819. But first, Blanchard made nearly 70 spectacular flights, survived a revolution, and become a court favorite of the emperor Napoleon (who gave her the title, Aeronaut of the Official Festivals) and later of the King of France. Set against the backdrop of the history of flight, watch as Balloonmania–a phenomenon that riveted all of Europe–took hold and inspired a great many artists, authors, and dreamers”– Provided by publisher

The Legend Of The Storm Goose

With his great sheltering wings and crown of stars that lights the Scottish skies, Erin knows the heroic Storm Goose from her favorite legend will always guide Papa home from sea. But when a terrible storm strikes, it’s not Papa that comes ashore, but an injured white bird. Over the next few weeks, Erin helps the Storm Goose heal in hopes he can save Papa, but comes to accept that Papa will never come home and must instead oversee the Storm Goose’s triumphant return to the skies to save other sailors. But first, in a twist both heart-wrenching and inspiring, the legendary bird saves her from her grief.

The Tale Of The Whale

A whale takes a child on adventure across the ocean, and together they explore the wonders of the ocean world, but also the sad state of plastic pollution–and the child returns home to try and help the whale to save his marine home.

Zahra’s Blessing: A Ramadan Story

Zahra hugs her cherished teddy bear and prays that Ramadan will bring her a longed-for sister. When her bear subsequently goes missing, Zahra finds herself grappling with intense feelings of loss. Over the next few weeks, as she volunteers with her mother at a local shelter for asylum seekers, Zahra befriends a displaced child, resulting in a newfound sense of gratitude and an unexpected Ramadan blessing.

Born Behind Bars

Kabir has been in jail since the day he was born, because his mom is serving time for a crime she didn’t commit. He’s never met his dad, so the only family he’s got are their cellmates, and the only place he feels the least bit free is in the classroom, where his kind teacher regales him with stories of the wonders of the outside world. Then one day a new warden arrives and announces Kabir is too old to stay. He gets handed over to a long-lost “uncle” who unfortunately turns out to be a fraud, and intends to sell Kabir. So Kabir does the only thing he can–run away as fast as his legs will take him. How does a boy with nowhere to go and no connections make his way? Fortunately, he befriends Rani, another street kid, and she takes him under her wing. But plotting their next move is hard–and fraught with danger–in a world that cares little for homeless, low caste children. This is not the world Kabir dreamed of–but he’s discovered he’s not the type to give up. Kabir is ready to show the world that he–and his mother–deserve a place in it.


A boy and his mother refuse to identify themselves as American or Canadian at the border and become caught in the limbo between nations when they claim their citizenship as Blackfoot.

Borders is a WOW Recommends: Book of the Month for January 2022.

Amah Faraway

Kylie is nervous about visiting her grandmother-her Amah-who lives SO FAR AWAY.

When she and Mama finally go to Taipei, Kylie is shy with Amah. Even though they have spent time together in video chats, those aren’t the same as real life. And in Taiwan, Kylie is at first uncomfortable with the less-familiar language, customs, culture, and food. However, after she is invited by Amah-Lái kàn kàn! Come see!-to play and splash in the hot springs (which aren’t that different from the pools at home), Kylie begins to see this place through her grandmother’s eyes and sees a new side of the things that used to scare her. Soon, Kylie is leading her Amah-Come see! Lái kàn kàn!-back through all her favorite parts of this place and having SO MUCH FUN! And when it is time to go home, the video chats will be extra special until they can visit faraway again.

Featured in WOW Review Volume XV, Issue 2.