Only A Witch Can Fly

Only a witch can fly. But one little girl wants to fly—more than anything. So on a special night, with the moon shining bright and her cat by her side, she gathers herself up, she grips her broom tight, and she tries. And she fails. And she’s brave. And she tries again. Until . . . Utterly enchanting, New York Times best-selling author Alison McGhee’s lyrical language and Taeeun Yoo’s transcendent linoleum block prints create a bewitching tale about finding one’s own path that will send your heart soaring.

Willow Pattern Story, The

The author retells a story heard as a child, one of many invented to explain the landscape on willow pattern china, popular for the last 200 years. In this, two young Chinese lovers are punished by one’s cruel mandarin father.

Hubert the Pudge: A Vegetarian Tale

As one of many Pudgies awaiting their trip to the meat factory from the Pudge Processing Farm, little Hubert escapes to the jungle where the animals show him all the good foods he can eat and, as a result, he becomes the first Pudge to achieve full size since ancient times.

The Talking Pot

A retelling of a Danish tale in which a magical talking pot causes a poor family to triumph over a rich couple.