The Elephant’s Child

This energetic book takes young readers on a journey with a very curious baby elephant who has one question on his mind: What do crocodiles eat for dinner? But whenever he asks this question, he gets a spanking! Though he’s never seen a crocodile before, the baby elephant sets out to the banks of a river to find the answer to his question.


Elephant Dance

Grandfather tells many stories about his native India in answer to Ravi and Anjali’s questions, such as the tale of a procession of elephants on the feast of Divaali when he was a boy. This story includes facts about life in India, a list of cooking spices, and descriptions of Indian animals.

Tiger and Turtle

Tiger says he saw the flower first, but Turtle disagrees. Through pages of glorious color, Tiger and Turtle continue their argument. They’re worthy opponents as a tiger’s claws could not harm a turtle’s shell any more than a turtle’s feet could outrun a tiger’s.

Blessed Are You

Blessed Are You is a collection of thirteen traditional Hebrew prayers ideal for children: prayers of thanksgiving and wonder, prayers for peace and comfort, prayers for peace and comfort, prayers for getting up in the morning and going to bed at night.

Nabeel’s New Pants: An Eid Tale

Ramadan has come to an end. the fast is over, and tomorrow the celebration of Eid will begin. Nabeel decides to buy each of his family members something special to wear for the holiday. But while he’s choosing, the shopkeeper persuades him also to buy a gift for himself–a pair of new pants that are too long! Nabeel asks his wife to help hem them, but she’s too busy cooking biryana. He asks his mother and his daughter, too, but no one has the time; everyone is too busy preparing for the festivities.

The Hungry Coat

After being forced to change to a fancy new coat to attend a party, Nasrettin Hoca tries to feed his dinner to the coat, reasoning that it was the coat that was the invited guest.

Passing By

Yael peeks out from her balcony and sees everything that’s happening in the street below, from the cat in the garden next door to a big red tractor chugging down the road; finally, she sees the best thing–her dad on his way home!