Delves into the lives of twelve women who took up challenges that society felt could be met only by men, from a Civil War spy and World War II fighter pilot to a Wild West desperado and Yukon adventurer.
Materials from Canada
Pig In The Middle
A mischievous dancing pig is responsible for everything–including Grandpa!–that disappears at Grandma’s house. A girl helps her forgetful grandparents solve the mystery as they learn to accept their befuddled state.
I’ll Sing You One-O
Reunited with her long-lost twin brother, twelve-year-old Gemma constantly tests the boundaries of acceptable behavior while relying on angels to help her connect with her new family.
A Fiddle For Angus
Angus, living on Cape Breton Island, Canada, learns to play the violin so that he can join in with his musical family.
Three Songs For Courage
In 1956, 16-year-old Gordon Westley finds his summer vacation shattered by tragedy, forcing him to come face-to-face with the darkest–and the sweetest–side of human nature.
Silver Threads
Anna and Ivan, two young newlyweds, escape poverty and hardship in Ukraine to start a new life on the Canadian frontier. As they struggle to establish themselves, WWI breaks out and Ivan is taken prisoned as an enemy.
Fog Magic
A child of Nova Scotia who loves the fog is transported by it to a secret world of her own. On a series of unforgettable trips into the past, Greta learns to embrace the joyful uncertainty of her future. (Newbery Honor Book)
The Flying Canoe
Working with the lumberjacks in Ottawa, eleven-year-old Baptiste begins to feel homesick for his life backin the Quebec region of Canada and so magically creates a special canoe that sends him sailing through the night sky.
The Maestro
Fleeing from his brutal father, fourteen-year-old Burl arrives at the remote cabin of an eccentric genius who in just one day changes the young man’s life forever.
Omar On Board
Omar isn’t nearly as good as his friends at swimming or jumping off the diving board but when it comes to helping a friend, Omar forgets all about his fears.