When the king charges the miller’s beautififul daughter with spinning straw into gold she makes an ill-advised deal with the cunning Rumpelstiltskin.
Materials from Germany
When the king charges the miller’s beautififul daughter with spinning straw into gold she makes an ill-advised deal with the cunning Rumpelstiltskin.
Sixteen-year-old Tomas Wanninger persuades his mother to let him leave Germany to volunteer at a kibbutz in Israel, where he experiences a violent political attack and finds answers about his own past.
Princess Igraine dreams of becoming a famous knight just like her great grandfather, but the truth is, life at the family castle is rather boring. Until the nephew of the baroness-next-door shows up. He’s got a dastardly plan to capture the castle and claim as his own the wonderful singing spell books that belong to Igraine’s magician parents. To make matters worse, at the very moment of the siege, her mom and dad botch a spell, turning themselves into pigs! Aided by a Gentle Giant and a Sorrowful Knight, it’s up to Igraine to be brave and save the day–and the books!
One of the oldest and most treasured folktales in the world, Hansel and Gretel resonates deeply with young readers. Now Jane Ray revives this venerable story with a retelling that preserves the power of the tale.
A little girl walks to the end of the world to find her seven brothers and free them from enchantment.