In 1943, five-year-old Margrit was separated from her mother, father, and siblings and sent to a farm in Bavaria to escape the bombing in the big city of Hamburg.
Materials from Germany
The Hidden Children
Twenty-five Holocaust survivors who spent the war years as children hiding from the Nazis–from those shielded by courageous strangers to those given refuge in convents and orphanages–share their memories.
Miko. “No Bath! No Way!”
When his mother wants him to take a bath before going to bed, Miko explains that he does not want to wash off his perfect day.
The Crane
The blue-capped man who operates the crane is so attached to the machine that he never leaves it in war or in peace. Also translated by F. N. Monjo.
Fritz’s Fish
Fritz, who longs to have a pet, captures a fish after the river floods his neighborhood, but must decide how long he can keep him in the apartment bathtub.
The Life And Death Of Adolf Hitler
Explores the life of the dangerous and destructive dictator Adolf Hitler whose aggressive foreign policies set off World War II and caused the deaths of over 6 million Jews.
Miko “It Was Me, Mom!”
After breaking his mother’s favorite vase, Miko tries to conceal his involvement but is relieved when his toy animal Mimiki tells Mom the truth.
Rosie and the Nightmares
Tired of having nightmares about monsters, Rosie the rabbit decides to confront her fears.
The Day Chubby Became Charles
Afraid that her grandmother might be dying, Julia discovers a new friend with whom she can talk about her fears.
Double Birthday! Miko
When Miko learns that he and his toy animal share the same birthday, Miko gives him the perfect gift.