The Pros and Cons of Being a Frog

Two shy kids discover the power of friendship in this charming picture book that celebrates being different. A boy likes to dress as a cat, but his best friend’s dog objects. What will he dress as now? A giraffe? A fox? A shark? When his best friend, Camille, suggests a frog, they work together to make the frog costume…until Camille runs out of patience. So the boy makes a list of the pros and cons of being a frog.

Child Convicts

At the age of seven, children in eighteenth-century Britain were tried in court like adults. For crimes such as picking pockets or stealing clothes, they could be sentenced to death by hanging or transported to the then-perilous and isolated colonies of Australia. Life in the colonies was often as difficult and dangerous as the poverty from which many of the convicts came, but the dreaded sentence of transportation could also present opportunities.

My Two Blankets

Cartwheel moves to a new country with her auntie, and everything is strange: the animals, the plants even the wind. An old blanket gives Cartwheel comfort when she’s sad, and a new blanket just might change her world.

See the review at WOW Review, Volume 8, Issue 3

This book has been included in WOW’s Kids Taking Action Booklist. For our current list, visit our Boolist page under Resources in the green navigation bar.