Saints Of The Household

Bribri American brothers, Max and Jay, have always depended on each other for their survival. Growing up with a physically abusive father, they have learned that the only way to protect themselves, as well as their mother, is to keep their heads down and adhere to a strict schedule. But after intervening when a classmate gets into a fist fight, resulting in the school’s star soccer player being beat to a pulp by both brothers’ hands, they must grapple with the realization that they may be more like their father than they thought. In order to move forward, they will have to reach back to their Bribri roots.

Becoming Miss Navajo

Jolyana Begay-Kroupa dreamed of becoming Miss Navajo as a little girl. Her chance finally comes after years of learning the language, culture, and traditions. Discover the inspiring true story of Jolyana who shows us what it takes to become Miss Navajo and how the competition is just the beginning. Becoming Miss Navajo includes pictures taken during the 2001-2002 competition.

The Sea In Winter

After a knee injury sidelines her ballet dreams, Maisie struggles with her new reality as she is no longer able to maintain her ballet training and auditions. While her family is supportive, Maisie knows they do not understand the hopelessness that she feels. Her anxieties soon lead to dark moods that begin to hurt as much as the pain in her knee. She has no interest in the planned family road trip along the coast, near the Makah community where her mother grew up. How can she possibly keep pretending to be strong?

Learning My Rights With Mousewoman

A first of its kind, Learning My Rights with Mousewoman tells the story of a legendary figure in the oral and visual practices of the Northwest Coast Indigenous culture. Both a grandmother and oracle, Mousewoman can travel in and out of the spirit world. During crucial times she will sit on young people’s shoulders and whisper advice and knowledge. Mousewoman is never afraid to stand up to bigger beings for the protection and guidance of young people.

Benjamin’s Thunderstorm

Benjamin loves the rain. He loves splashing through puddles in his bright yellow rain boots and watching the colors of a rainbow in the water as they ripple around his feet. But most of all, Benjamin loves thunder. To him, thunder, piyêsiwak and sounds like his grandfather’s drum. It calls to him, like the songs his grandfather plays while his father and other powwow dancers spin and step in time to the drumbeat. As Benjamin hears the thunder rumble overhead, he imagines himself as a powwow dancer. He spins, he taps his feet and he lifts his knees. Faster and faster he twirls, delighted by and filled with the rhythm of piyêsiwak.