Small Acts of Amazing Courage

It is 1918, six months after the end of World War I, and Rosalind awaits the return of her father from the war. While it is common practice for British children in India to be packed off to boarding school at the age of 6, Rosalind is unusual because she lives and is schooled in India because her mother insists. The heart of this penetrating story is Rosalind’s coming of age set against the hardship of life for the Indian people, Rosalind’s daily life in India, the rise of Ghandi and Rosalind’s coming to make her own decisions and become her own person.

Elephant Dance

Grandfather tells many stories about his native India in answer to Ravi and Anjali’s questions, such as the tale of a procession of elephants on the feast of Divaali when he was a boy. This story includes facts about life in India, a list of cooking spices, and descriptions of Indian animals.

Tiger and Turtle

Tiger says he saw the flower first, but Turtle disagrees. Through pages of glorious color, Tiger and Turtle continue their argument. They’re worthy opponents as a tiger’s claws could not harm a turtle’s shell any more than a turtle’s feet could outrun a tiger’s.

Geeta’s Day

Geeta’s day begins as most children’s do, but when she sets off to school, passing the kamar at the forge, the bhandari shaving a customer, and the mali weaving garlands of flowers to offer to the temple gods, her world begins to beat to the distinctive rhythm of Indian village life. Geeta’s Day highlights the unique things that make her world special, but it also reveals that much is the same for children everywhere.


The Elephant’s Child

This energetic book takes young readers on a journey with a very curious baby elephant who has one question on his mind: What do crocodiles eat for dinner? But whenever he asks this question, he gets a spanking! Though he’s never seen a crocodile before, the baby elephant sets out to the banks of a river to find the answer to his question.


Saraswati’s Way

Leaving his village in rural India to find a better education, mathematically gifted, twelve-year-old Akash ends up at the New Delhi train station, where he relies on Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of knowledge, to guide him as he negotiates life on the street, resists the temptations of easy money, and learns whom he can trust.

See the review at WOW Review, Volume 4, Issue 1