22 Orphans

In this tale, a mischievous group of orphans attempts to show their new headmistress how to have a good time. They build forts under tables, hang from the orphanage balconies and ride a cart down the stairwell. Each time, the fretful headmistress’s curious refrain is “Elephants are strong and sturdy but children, remember, are not elephants,” as she puts them all to bed under orange-and-white checkered coverlets. The children soon tire of bedrest, and one morning, the woman discovers they have fled, and only an orange-and-white checked elephant remains.

Anne Frank, Beyond the Diary: A Photographic Remembrance

On Friday, June 12, Anne Frank woke up at six o’clock in the morning. It wasn’t much of a surprise that she was up so early. Today was her birthday. She was 13 years old. Anne received many presents but the most precious was one given her by her parents. It was a hardcover diary, bound in red and white–checkered cloth.

Tamar: A Novel of Espionage, Passion, and Betrayal

In England in 1995, fifteen-year-old Tamar, grief-stricken by the puzzling death of her beloved grandfather, slowly begins to uncover the secrets of his life in the Dutch resistance during the last year of the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, and the climactic events that forever cast a shadow on his life and that of his family.

Take a closer look at The Declaration as examined in WOW Review.