Mermaid Tales from Around the World

Greek frescos, primitive African paintings, Irish pub signs, and illuminated manuscripts adorn twelve immortal mermaid tales from a wide range of cultures, gracefully told anew and dramatically illustrated in the style of each story’s native country.

Eleven Turtle Tales

Turtle carries the world on her back: this story has been told by different cultures around the world for generations. Like Mother Nature, Turtle is unhurried, wise, and enduring. She walks on land, swims in water, and breathes the air and so embodies three of the four elements of creation. We have much to learn from Turtle.

Fair Is Fair

A lawyer and storyteller presents an international collection of folklore–from ancient Greece, Morocco, Germany, China, and Ireland–that provides revealing insights into our conception of justice, crime and punishment, and other legal issues. 30,000 first printing.

Can You Guess My Name?: Traditional Tales Around The World

canA companion volume to the critically acclaimed Nursery Tales Around the World, this collection is the perfect step up from nursery stories. Fifteen wonderful read-aloud tales from many different cultures are grouped together by familiar tale types: stories like “The Bremen Town Musicians,” “The Frog Prince,” “Hansel and Gretel,” “Rumplestiltskin,” and “The Three Pigs.” Folklorist Judy Sierra”s inspired retellings are once again paired with Stefano Vitale”s richly detailed illustrations. The stunning art evokes the visual traditions of the tales” varied countries of origin, which include Japan, Scotland, Argentina, and Sri Lanka. This is a must for folklore collectors and a perfect addition to any child”s bookshelf. Source notes, bibliography.

Earth, Fire, Water, Air

Dramatizes the original elements known to the ancient world–earth, fire, water, and air–recounting tales of how these life-giving elements gave rise to legends, gods, heroes, and mythical beasts.

Our World

OUR WORLD makes it fun and easy for children to learn more about the world around them. With more than 40 maps, 300 images, and hundreds of facts and statistics, this atlas will expand every child’s view of each country around the globe.