Good Night, Animals

A playful nighttime story for animal loversBubble and Pearl are going to sleep in a tent outdoors all night. How exciting! They each have a sleeping bag and a pillow, and Bubble has brought his flashlight. Good thing, too, as it’s getting dark. But what are those strange noises? Who is padding around outside the tent? Does someone want to come in?

The Cat’s Tale: Why the Years Are Named for Animals

Willow’s pet cat Mao relates how the Jade Emperor chose twelve animals to represent the years in the Chinese calendar.

The Cow That Laid an Egg

Marjorie is an insecure cow who wishes she had some special talent. She can’t ride a bicycle or do handstands like the other cows. Then one morning (thanks to a bunch of scheming chickens and a paintbrush), Marjorie is astonished to discover something extraordinary: she laid an egg!

Knut: How One Little Polar Bear Captivated the World

When Knut was born, the first polar bear cub at the Berlin Zoo in more than thirty years, he was no bigger than a snowball and unable to care for himself. His mother, a rescued East German circus bear, didn’t know how to take care of Knut and rejected him. Knut would have died if it weren’t for Thomas Dorflein, a zookeeper who nurtured Knut, feeding him, sleeping with him, and giving him the love and attention Knut needed to thrive. But Thomas wasn’t the only one who adopted Knut. The adorable little polar bear captured the world’s attention, and now Knut is loved around the globe.

Griffin’s Castle

Lonely and friendless from constantly moving, Dinah finds herself wishing the animal statues protecting a nearby Welsh castle would keep her company. Suddenly, to Dinah’s delight, the stone animals start to magically spring from the walls and follow her home. But when the animals refuse to let Dinah leave her house, she quickly realizes that these mysterious creatures aren’t rescuing her, they’re imprisoning her.

I Completely Know about Guinea Pigs

Lola gets to bring the class guinea pig, Bert, home over school vacation! She takes good care of Bert, but when she and Charlie build him a guinea pig run, he escapes. They hunt all over, and when they find him, they also discover a big surprise—lots of absolutely very adorable baby Berts! This new Charlie and Lola adventure will have readers giggling and wishing for a pet guinea pig of their very own.

Thumbelina: Tiny Runaway Bride

This is a contemporary retelling of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale. It’s about a tiny girl just the size of your thumb. The tiny girl becomes separated from her overprotective mother, has adventures with various animals, and records her feelings in a diary as she gains self-reliance and searches for someone to love.

Out of the Egg

In this story everything changes when the hard-working Red Hen lays a perfect white egg. And out of this egg comes a chick with a mind of her own. This book turns the tale of the Little Red Hen upside down. In classic fashion, it is the noble Red Hen who does all the work, but Red Hen’s chick, in an arresting and charming manner, chooses not to follow her mother’s tradition of exclusivity.