It’s never too early to start bringing up the smartest baby in the whole world. So thinks the expectant Mrs. Brains, who reads to the baby inside her tummy every night and plays music and language tapes to her baby during the day.
It’s never too early to start bringing up the smartest baby in the whole world. So thinks the expectant Mrs. Brains, who reads to the baby inside her tummy every night and plays music and language tapes to her baby during the day.
A boy has a little brother on the way. His mother is eating much pumpkin―pumpkin soup, pumpkin dumplings, pumpkin ravioli and pumpkin pie. At first the boy is happy to think that this pumpkin diet will give his new baby brother red hair, which the boy is very fond of. Then the boy has a nightmare where his brother has a pumpkin head with nothing inside but seeds and pulp!
A visit to the library, making pancakes with Dad, slooshing with water in the yard — in this collection of poems and anecdotes, a young girl named Katie tells of her family and friends and the everyday moments that make up her world. Most especially, there is Olly, her little brother, who does many things with Katie and, to her chagrin, even tries to join in when she’s doing ballet.
Rosie can’t wait for her baby brother to be born. But when he does arrive, Bobby is the smallest, weakest little hare ever, and Rosie feels scared. She doesn’t want to have anything to do with him until the day Dad tells her a special story that helps her understand that Bobby is “slow and steady.” That night, she holds her baby brother for the first time and feels his heart beating against hers.
Unable to find anyone to play with, Mario agrees to help his Nana by watching cousin Gia, but caring for the toddler is challenging and Mario is near the end of his rope when he gets a reminder that spending time with family is a gift.
Caroline Crocodile goes to a baby shop to see if she can exchange her drooly brother, but finds that the baby panda is a fussy eater, the baby elephant too squirty and her brother has reason to drool.
A little girl eagerly awaits her new sibling. She talks to the baby in mama’s belly about cupcakes, strawberries, sailing and swimming; sings songs extra-loud to be sure baby can hear and wonders what her new sibling will look like. The enthusiastic big sister is rendered mostly in black and white, with a large smiling face, upturned nose and a sprinkling of freckles. Each left-hand page depicts a pregnant belly in profile, gradually growing from a small bump until it finally crosses the center line and begins to crowd in on the right-hand page. Each rendering of the belly features a hidden flap under which can be found an adorable baby with closed eyes, a sweet smile and rosy, red cheeks. The flap and the baby it conceals grow bigger as the belly does, until finally, the big day arrives. Big sister waits patiently at home, getting dressed up for the occasion, until mother and father return home and place the little one, eyes wide open now, in big sister’s arms.
After all the kissing and the hugging and the rocking and the snuggling, there at last comes a time for sleeping.
By watching the other African elephants as they drink, keep cool, cross the river, wallow in mud, and eat juicy leaves, a newborn elephant learns many uses for his wonderful trunk.
A baby who gains enormous strength from avocados defends his weakling family.