The Girl And The Bicycle

A little girl sees a shiny new bicycle in the shop window. She hurries home to see if she has enough money in her piggy bank, but when she comes up short, she knocks on the doors of her neighbors, hoping to do their yardwork. They all turn her away except for a kindly old woman.

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Monty’s Magnificent Mane

Monty the lion loves his long, golden mane, so he’s not happy when his meerkat friends mess it up. Stomping off to the waterhole, he’s cheered up by the flattery of a new friend, a big green friend. With a SNAP Monty realizes that his flattering pal is actually a giant crocodile looking for dinner.

Mikis and the Donkey

One day, Mikis’s grandfather has a surprise for him: a new donkey waiting! Mikis falls in love with the creature, but his grandparents tell him that the donkey is a working animal, not a pet. However, they still let Mikis choose her name — Tsaki — and allow the two of them to spend their Sundays together. Mikis and Tsaki soon become fast friends, and together the two have some grand adventures. Eventually, both Mikis and his grandfather learn a bit more about what exactly it means to care for another creature.

Walk On The Wild Side

“There once was a bear, a moose and a beaver who loved adventure. But sometimes their competitive natures got in the way of having fun.” One day, the three set off to climb a mountain together. But on the way there, they decide to make it more exciting by turning the climb into a race to the top. It’s only after being sidelined by a series of mishaps — a boulder tumbling down the path, the moose hanging off the side of the cliff, the bear hanging off the moose hanging off the side of the cliff — that the three friends realize competitions don’t always make for a good time.

Tiptop Cat

A curious cat plus a big fall leads to squashed confidence. How this cat bounces back will encourage readers everywhere to try, try again. Eye-catching art and crisp graphic paneling invite even the youngest of children to get back on their feet to explore the city alongside TipTop Cat.

Jessica’s Box

Will Jessica find a friend at school? It’s not easy when you’re shy, so every day she brings her cardboard box filled with something different to share. Until, finally, she discovers that all she truly needs to share is herself. Jessica’s Box will capture the heart of every child, parent, teacher, and friend.