A Friend like You

Photographer Tanja Askani adopts orphaned or injured animals — wolf pups, raccoons, owls, rabbits, and fawns, among others — and under her care, unexpected friendships form.


Ben and his cuddly friend, Raf, are inseparable. Then one day, Raf disappears. Ben looks everywhere, but Raf is not to be found. Ben is too sad to go outside and play in the snow, until a postcard clatters into the mailbox. Postcard follows postcard as Raf journey through Africa. He meets tall pink flamingos, long-trunked elephants, vine-swing monkeys, and giraffes.

First Come the Zebra

When two young Kenyan boys, one Maasai and one Kikuyu, first meet, they are hostile toward each other based on traditional rivalries, but after they suddenly have to work together to save a baby in danger, the boys begin to discover what they have in common.

See the review at WOW Review, Volume 3, Issue 4

This book has been included in WOW’s Kids Taking Action Booklist. For our current list, visit our Boolist page under Resources in the green navigation bar.

14 Cows for America

In June of 2002, a very unusual ceremony begins in a far-flung village in western Kenya. An American diplomat is surrounded by hundreds of Maasai people. A gift is about to be bestowed on the American men, women, and children, and he is there to accept it. The gift is as unsought and unexpected as it is extraordinary.

A mere nine months have passed since the September 11 attacks, and hearts are raw. Tears flow freely from American and Maasai as these legendary warriors offer their gift to a grieving people half a world away.

Word of the gift will travel news wires around the globe. Many will be profoundly touched, but for Americans, this selfless gesture will have deeper meaning still. For a heartsick nation, the gift of fourteen cows emerges from the choking dust and darkness as a soft light of hope and friendship.

Featured in Volume II, Issue 2 of WOW Review.

Secret Keeper

When her father loses his job and leaves India to look for work in America, Asha Gupta, her older sister, Reet, and their mother must wait with Baba’s brother and his family, as well as their grandmother, in Calcutta. Uncle is welcoming, but in a country steeped in tradition, the three women must abide by his decisions. Asha knows this is temporary—just until Baba sends for them. But with scant savings and time passing, the tension builds: Ma, prone to spells of sadness, finds it hard to submit to her mother- and sister-in-law; Reet’s beauty attracts unwanted marriage proposals; and Asha’s promise to take care of Ma and Reet leads to impulsive behavior. What follows is a firestorm of rebuke—and secrets revealed! Asha’s only solace is her rooftop hideaway, where she pours her heart out in her diary, and where she begins a clandestine friendship with Jay Sen, the boy next door. Asha can hardly believe that she, and not Reet, is the object of Jay’s attention. Then news arrives about Baba . . . and Asha must make a choice that will change their lives forever.

Featured in Volume II, Issue I of WOW Review.

The Origami Master

Shima the Origami Master lives on a mountain in Japan. He isn’t lonely, for his beautiful origami animals keep him company.One morning Shima finds a marvelous new paper elephant on his desk. Where could it have come from? The next morning, a splendid dragon is in its place. It looks real enough to fly away.That night, Shima stays awake to find out who could make such wonderful creatures. But when he discovers who the mysterious artist is, he learns a surprising lesson about friendship.

Bird Child

birdBullying and the ability to rise above it are at the heart of this strikingly beautiful picture book. All school-aged children have either bullied, been bullied, or witnessed bullying, and all too often, they feel powerless to stop what has been set in motion. Such is not the case with Eliza. Her mother has given her “wings to fly” and the ability to see all the possibilities that lie before her. So, when bullies pick on the new student, Lainey, gradually robbing her of her smile and ability to paint beautiful pictures, Eliza wants to help, and she does, by finding a way to show Lainey all that she can be. Then in the schoolyard, Eliza stands up to the bullies. One by one, the other children add their voices, and soon the bullies have skulked away. Lyrical and eloquent yet realistic and down to earth, Nan Forler’s text is complemented beautifully with François Thisdale’s haunting images. This is a book for every child, every classroom, and every library.

Timmerman Was Here

Timmerman is mysterious. Moreover, he is bitterly resented by the young girl who lives in the same boardinghouse. After all, he occupies her beloved granddad’s now-vacant room. How dare he think he can take that space? But try as she might, the girl cannot dislike him forever. Timmerman is kind, gentle, and soft-spoken to everyone, even the dog, who lets him untangle her matted coat. Despite herself, the girl becomes fond of him. When rumors begin to fly, she tries not to listen. But it’s hard, especially when Timmerman is often seen late at night, wandering the streets with a shovel and sack over his shoulder. Is he stashing stolen goods? Burying dead cats? The girl takes a black eye for defending him at school. Even so, curiosity compels her to ask the question she knows she shouldn’t ask. Though Timmerman promises an explanation in time, he avoids a direct answer and disappears shortly after, leaving the girl to worry and wonder. Not until spring is the answer to Timmerman’s nighttime walks beautifully presented, leaving the entire street with a living memory of Timmerman’s presence. Timmerman Was Here is a charming tale of mystery, perception, and the gift of friendship.