The Red Poppy

In summertime the world is green, and the straight rows of grain in tilled fields show the results of the farmers’ hard work. On the sides of the fields, red poppies grow–they are a summer joy for everyone to appreciate. In poetic language and rich full-color illustration, the author pays tribute to the every day miracle of plants and flowers.

10 Plants that Shook the World

Plants might start out as leafy things growing in the earth, but they can come into our lives in unexpected ways. And believe it or not, some have even played an exciting role in our world’s history.

How Does My Garden Grow?

Sophie lives in the city, and her vegetables come from the supermarket. Then she goes to visit her grandparents in the countryside — and soon discovers how much there is to learn about how things grow! Sophie helps her grandfather through the different seasons, finding out about mulching onions, eating flowers, weeding, bees, making salad, catching beetles, digging, earthing up, picking and composting. When winter comes, Sophie has to go home — but her grandfather has one last surprise for her.

Little Pear Tree

Watch a tiny seed grow through the seasons into a fine pear tree with this beautifully-presented book.

A Year Around The Great Oak

OakBenjamin and Anna love staying with their cousin Robin in his house near the forest. In the autumn, Robin takes them to see his favourite tree–a giant oak that is 300 years old. The children build a den under the oak tree’s giant branches and watch the squirrels hide acorns in its wide trunk.

In the winter they ski through the forest and meet the foresters who chose which trees will become firewood this year–but not their beautiful oak tree!

In the spring the children go searching for badgers and see many animals that live in the forest–nesting birds, gentle deer and shy rabbits. One night, the tree helps Benjamin when he discovers a creature he didn’t expect. How can the children say thank you?