Noah and the Devil: A Legend of Noah’s Ark from Romania

In this Romanian folk version of the Noah story, getting the animals to march, two by two, onto the ark is the easy part–it was persuading his wife to come aboard that gave Noah a headache. And when he snapped, “Oh, you devil, come in!,” that gave the Devil himself just the invitation he needed. Once aboard, in the shape of a mouse, the Devil gnawed a hole in the ark, to sink it beneath the flood.

Juna’s Journey

In a time and a land not so different from ours, lives a one called Juna, a dream helper who has spent much of his life dreaming for others. He has never dreamed for himself, until one evening when he has a dream of his own, which contains a mysterious message just for him. To learn the secret of it, it is clear he must go on a journey. But a journey to where? And for what? In search of the answers, Juna starts on his way, meeting some surprising helpers who join him on his quest. Traveling as a team they move toward a destination fraught with suspense, enchantment, mystery and promise of a new future for the people of earth.

Christopher: The Holy Giant

As Reprobus carries a child across a river one stormy night, the boy gets heavier and heavier until Reprobus feels he is carrying the world on his shoulders–thus goes the legend of the name Christ-bearer, or Christopher.