The Whopper

This humorous, quirky story is about a little boy who tells a lie, only to be followed around by his guilt in the form of the Whopper, a hungry and persistent monster. As Percy’s guilt grows, so does the Whopper, until finally the Whopper EATS Percy! Percy at last realizes that he must tell the truth in order to keep the Whopper from growing any bigger.


Raymond the dog is just your regular family pet until, one day, he has a thought: couldn’t he just sit at the table? Isn’t that what families do together? Soon Raymond begins to leave all his canine ways behind, and so do all the other dogs in town. Dogs go to the movies; dogs go out for coffee; and Raymond lands a high-powered journalism job at DOGUE magazine. But is Raymond’s new gig all work and no play? He doesn’t even have time for family dinner! Maybe, just maybe, Raymond misses the dog’s life.

Kings of the Castle

George didn’t want to waste the night moon bathing. He wanted to build a sand castle that would turn any monster green with envy! But when George meets the strangest creature he has ever seen, the night takes an unexpected turn.

The Rabbit Who Didn’t Want To Go To Sleep

Young Rabbit is a true expert on wheedling a few more minutes out of his weary parents. After all, he’s only just started playing, and he’s built this really cool race track for his cars, and he has to find the tow truck after he crashes into his little sister’s nightstand and knocks something over (waking her up in the process). However, by the time his parents have reached the end of their rope, Rabbit seems to have disappeared. Luckily, a snore from behind the couch gives them the clue they need to finally get that bunny into bed. But guess who’s wide-awake and wanting her oatmeal now!