
This rollicking and fascinating picture book biography chronicles the life of the first pioneer of children’s books—John Newbery himself. While most children’s books in the 18th century contained lessons and rules, John Newbery imagined them overflowing with entertaining stories, science, and games.


Bold, graphic portraits and beautiful poems present famous and lesser-known Latinos from varied backgrounds who have faced life’s challenges in creative ways.

John Ronald’s Dragons

John Ronald loved dragons. He liked to imagine dragons when he was alone, and with his friends, and especially when life got hard or sad. After his mother died and he had to live with a cold-hearted aunt, he looked for dragons. He searched for them at his boarding school. And when he fought in a Great War, he felt as if terrible, destructive dragons were everywhere. But he never actually found one, until one day, when he was a grown man but still very much a boy at heart, when he decided to create one of his own.

Stand Up, Mr Dickens

Portrays the life of the famed English novelist and describes how he entertained audiences by reading his stories aloud. Includes excerpts from “The Pickwick Papers,” “Oliver Twist,” “A Christmas Carol,” “Dombey and Son,” “David Copperfield,” and “Great Expectations.”

Gandhi, Great Soul

A biography of Mahatma Gandhi, whose mission in life was to help the 350 million people of India free themselves from British rule. “This well-written biography is notable for both its textual and pictorial content. . . . Little else is available for young people regarding this important leader that combines this book’s depth of scholarship, clarity, and the human element.” — School Library Journal, starred review

The Young Hans Christian Andersen

Hans Christian Anderson was born in the slums of Odense, Denmark. His parents were hardworking, and Hans received little formal education, but his childhood was his opening to the world of folklore and fairy tales. Much of his work depicts characters who gain happiness in life after suffering and conflicts and many of his childhood experiences inspired his most famous tales, such as The Ugly Duckling and The Little Mermaid. In this intimate and gripping biography of one of the world’s greatest storytellers, Karen Hesse and acclaimed artist Erik Blegvad connect Hans’s own experiences

Witnesses To War

For millions of children, living in Europe during World War II was a terrifying experience. Here, eight of those children share their true stories — of living in the Warsaw Ghetto, of being sent to concentration camps, of being selected for “Germanization”. Each story is different, but each represents the stories of millions of innocent victims of the Holocaust. B&W photos.