
One evening at bedtime, Charlotte finds a tiny ghost in her bed. She quickly discovers that the ghost does not know how to share. Despite his chorus of “Mine!” that rings through the house, he and the patient Charlotte become fast friends. They spend every moment of the next day with each other, making pancakes, playing games, and learning along the way that it is more fun to share.

The Yellow Balloon

Writer and illustrator Charlotte Dematons brings the same enchanting look to this picture book that made her Worry Bear and Looking for Cinderella so successful. Lovely watercolors portray a great and diverse planet teeming with life at all times of day and night. People and animals of every shape, color, size, and costume are seen, busy at work and play. As the yellow balloon floats through many time periods – ancient, medieval, and contemporary – and realms both natural and supernatural, young readers can also look for the small blue car, the fakir on his flying carpet, and the scoundrel in prison garb. This story will fascinate young readers as they embark on a lively and fun-filled journey around the globe.

Gift Days

Young Nassali longs to read and write like her brother, but since her mother’s death, Nassali is responsible for looking after her younger siblings and running the household. There is no time for books and learning. Then one day, she wakes up to discover that her chores have been taken care of. It is her first gift day. From that day on, once a week, her brother gives Nassali the gift of time so that she can pursue her dream of an education, just as her mother would have wanted.

Akilak’s Adventures

When Akilak must travel a great distance to another camp to gather food, she thinks she will never be able to make it. With a little help from her grandmother’s spirit, and her own imagination to keep her entertained, Akilak manages to turn a long journey into an adventure. Even though she at first feels that she will never be able to reach her destination, she keeps her grandmother’s assurance that her “destination is not running away; it will be reached eventually” in mind and ends up enjoying the journey that at first seemed so daunting.

The Wolf Who Wanted To Be An Artist

The Wolf wants to become famous. What better way than being an artist? But what will he excel at: painting, sculpting, or acting? As he auditions for the role of the Big Bad Wolf, his true talent is discovered. And with a little help from his friends, the Wolf embarks on a journey towards world fame

Ukaliq And Kalla Go Fishing

Ukaliq and Kalla are two friends who could not be more different. Ukaliq is loud, excited and always looking for adventure. Kalla on the other hand, is calm, quiet and knows it’s best to be well prepared before travelling out on the land or sea ice. When the two friends head out for a day of fishing, Ukaliq can barely wait to get his line in the water—but his eagerness to catch a fish may just leave him empty handed in the end. There is a lot Kalla could teach Ukaliq about a successful fishing trip, if only Ukaliq would sit still long enough to listen!

That’s Not A Hippopotamus!

A class trip to the zoo descends into a chaotic hunt for the missing hippopotamus. Teacher, zookeeper and all the children join the search. The noise and drama reaches a pitch, and no one thinks to listen to quiet Liam, who really might know where the hippo is hiding.That’s Not a Hippopotamus is a deft and delightful tale, packed with word play and madcap energy—and with a whole different story to enjoy in the illustrations.