The Whispering Town

In Denmark during World War II, young Annet, her parents, and their neighbors help a Jewish family hide from Nazi soldiers until it is safe for them to leave Annet’s basement.

This book has been included in WOW’s Kids Taking Action Booklist. For our current list, visit our Boolist page under Resources in the green navigation bar.

Featured in WOW Review Volume IX, Issue 1.

The Day I Became A Bird

The day he starts school, a young boy falls in love for the very first time. Sylvia sits in front of him at school, and he’s so in love with her, she’s all he can see. But sadly, Sylvia doesn’t see him. In fact, it seems the only thing Sylvia has eyes for is birds.

The Five Rollatinis

With no room remaining to ride Wonder Horse Ammonia with the rest of the Rollatinis, little Bambino must find another way to contribute to the family business. But performing apart from the others leaves the sixth, and youngest, Rollatini feeling lonely and left out, even as he flies with the acrobats, rubs elbows with the elephants, and teaches the dancing bear to bicycle.