A Sherpa family discovers that their yaks are missing. Young Kami, anxious to help his brother and father maintain their livelihood, sets off by himself to find the wandering herd. A deaf child who is unable to speak, Kami climbs the steep mountainside to search the yaks’ favorite grazing spots. When he encounters the rumblings of a fierce storm, Kami uses his heightened sense of observation to finally locate the yaks. Reunited with their animals, the astonished family is once again able to transport their gear and guide the mountain climbers into the majestic terrain.
Picture Book
Mama Robot
A robot mom would be fun to have. It would never make you clean your room or eat your vegetables. It would do whatever you wanted it to, even your homework. But does a robot mom know how to cuddle you like your real mom? Could a robot mom give you hugs and kisses just like Mom does? Mama Robot is a testament to mothers around the world as a young boy discovers what motherhood is really about, and what makes his mama so special.
Bravo, Tavo!
Tavo, named for his father Gustavo, plays basketball so much that his sneakers are worn out. His father is too worried about the drought afflicting their small village to focus on replacing them. Gustavo thinks he can solve the water shortage, but the other villagers say he’s crazy. Tavo puts aside basketball to help prove his father right. In return, something miraculous happens to his sneakers, and he’s the hero of the next game. Did the magic come from his shoes, or was it in his heart all along? Brian Meunier’s outstanding storytelling makes this a captivating read-aloud, while Perky Edgerton’s extraordinary paintings make it a visual treat.
One for All – All for One
When clumsy Max Mouse isn’t tripping over himself, he’s falling flat on his whiskers. But as he venturs out on his own for the first time, he takes his mother’s advice to follow his dreams. So Max makes the best of what he’s got, just like the friends in need that he meets along the way. They create a shelter from the storm and agree to stick together.
No! That’s Wrong!
When is a hat not a hat? A serendipitous breeze starts off this playful journey which begs the simple question, “When is a hat, not a hat?” Along the way, Rabbit manages to learn a little bit about friendship and the importance of believing in himself.
Flicka, Ricka, Dicka and their New Friend
Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka were three little girls who lived in Sweden. They had blue eyes and yellow curls, and they looked very much alike. One winter day, the girls made a big snowball. It rolled down the hill and stopped on old Mr. Fogel’s front walk. That snowball made Mr. Fogel cross, but he cheered up when the three girls came to say they were sorry. And Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka soon found that they had a wonderful new friend.
Alfredito Flies Home
Alfredito and his family are getting ready to return to El Salvador for Christmas. It will be their first visit back since they left as refugees and made their way to California on foot. But this time they’re flying! Excitement mounts as Alfredito and his family soar over the Earth and finally arrive at their beloved home to reunite with family and friends. This extraordinary book celebrates an experience familiar to the many who have left their original country to find a new life. Jorge Argueta’s tender, clever prose is perfectly complemented by Luis Garay’s rich, authentic illustrations.
Hopscotch around the World
All you need is a rock, some chalk, and a friend to join in the funHopscotch has been played throughout history in nearly every country in the world. From Alaska to Aruba, Italy to India, Bolivia to Brooklyn, here are nineteen versions of this classic game. Complete with rules, patterns, and interesting facts, this is an unrivaled look at a timeless, universal game of childhood.
On the Same Day in March: A Tour of the World’s Weather
This book highlights a wide variety of weather conditions by taking a tour around the world and examining weather in different places on the same day in March.
Cocoa Ice
A girl in Santo Domingo tells how cocoa is harvested during the late 1800s while at the same time her counterpart in Maine tells about the harvesting of ice.