Rabbit Moon

Bedtime wishes take flight on paper airplanes, traveling all the way to the moon. There Rabbit gathers the night’s haul, grinds the wishes into stardust, and fills the sky with their starlight. It is a beautiful sight to behold, but lonely work. So one night, Rabbit takes a wish and makes it float down to earth; when it comes true, he makes new friends and the star work takes a back seat to some well-earned fun. But as each day fades, so do the night stars. And with the first starless sky, Rabbit realizes it’s time to make the journey home. It is a sad departure, but Rabbit’s friends make one last wish, and send an astronomical gift.

Days With Dad

A young girl and her wheelchair-bound father share many special moments because she treasures all they can do together, although he apologizes for not being able to do more.

Rebel Seoul

In 2199 in the Neo State of Korea, eighteen-year-old Jaewon is partnered with supersoldier Tera, but their evolving love is threatened when Jaewon must choose among conflicting loyalties–to the totalitarian government that promises to end all war, the nationalist rebels his father followed, or the crime syndicate staging a coup.

Featured in October 2023’s WOW Dozen on Books by Contemporary Korean American Authors.