Rita and Whatsit at the Beach

Rita and Whatsit are off to the beach. Rita is looking forward to flying her kite, building a sand castle and sneaking up on Whatsit. Whatsit is looking forward to chasing crabs eating sugary things and lying in the sun. The day doesn’t go quite like that it’s much more fun.

The Magic Hat

One fine day, from out of town–and without any warning at all–a magic hat appears in the sky. It tumbles and bounces through the air and makes magic wherever it lands. Everyone is delighted as, one by one, the townspeople are transformed into giant playful animals. And then a wizard arrives.

Who Likes The Snow? (Exploring The Elements)

Snow — it crunches when we walk on it, floats down like feathers onto our faces and makes our sleds zoom. But what is snow? And how does it transform the world around us? With a wonderful sense of movement and color, this unique book in the Exploring the Elements series invites children to explore their world with delight and curiosity. Young readers will open the flaps to find the science of snow and related topics clearly explained. Inside, they will discover why snow is white, what snowflakes look like up close, how snow makes the night brighter and much more.

Celestine, Drama Queen

From the day she danced out of her shell, Celestine knew she was born to be a star! She dresses herself carefully every day, prefers to eat only pink food, and insists on wearing a tiara at all times — as all good stars should. The school play is the perfect chance to show the world just how special she is, and she has a secret role that not even her family knows about. But will a sudden case of stage fright keep her from making her grand debut? No matter how the play ends, she\’ll always be a star to her family.

Rita and Whatsit

Rita is a little girl with a big personality. Whatsit is a dog without a name. Rita enjoys dressing up running around and being in charge. Whatsit enjoys chewing on things sleeping and cheating at checkers. Together they are perfect friends. In the first book of a series, Rita is not pleased with any of her birthday presents until one of them starts running away. Rita is surprised to receive a dog for her birthday, and she is even more shocked when she discovers that the dog can talk.

Farmer Joe And The Music Show

“Down on the farm of Poor Old Joe, the hens won’t lay and the crops won’t grow.” With the help of his instrument playing friends, Farmer Joe soon has the hens clucking, the pigs hoofing, and the cows mooing to a hillbilly music show. And now, “…down on the farm of Clever Old Joe, the hens all lay and the crops all grow.”  


When a little boy bursts into their world, three unusual creatures find answers to their questions in this whimsical story from a stellar pair.The Lostlet twirls a golden leaf and asks, Where am I? What do I hope for? The Strangelet holds a smooth white pebble and wonders, What am I? What do I dream of? The Oddlet listens to a seashell and muses, Who am I? What do I wish for? Lost in their own worlds, the creatures are powerless to find answers, until a small boy appears who seems stranger, odder, and even more lost than they. As the three creatures comfort the child, they discover their hearts’ desires — while their new friend finds surprising ways to make all their dreams and wishes come true.

Our Corner Grocery Store

A picture book that celebrates local shops and building communities.Anna Maria takes great pleasure and pride in her grandparents’ corner grocery store. Every Saturday she spends the day helping to arrange fruits and vegetables, greet the customers, and keep things neat and tidy. Through her day we meet the neighbors and learn what an important part the corner grocery store plays in the community. Nonno Domenico, Nonna Rosa, and Anna Maria supply more than goods as the steady stream of customers arrives. Lunches are made, news is shared, bargains are purchased, recipes are traded, and cheerful ciaos are called. By the end of a long day, Anna Maria has a true sense of just how wonderful the sights and smells within the store are and how much they mean to everyone.Charmingly illustrated in great detail, Our Corner Grocery Store pays tribute to the small independent grocers who supply color and atmosphere to city streets. Young readers will particularly enjoy finding and naming the wide array of produce, breads, candies, and dry goods that abound in this friendly establishment.