The Little Hippos’ Adventure

Life for the little hippos is always the same: diving and swimming to their hearts’ content. Except the hippos think that it would be more fun if their diving board could be higher, as high as Tall Cliff. But they’re not allowed to go to Tall Cliff because it’s too dangerous. Each day they ask if they can, and each day they are told no. Finally, one day they are allowed to go there to bathe – cheers and jubilation. They are happy and hungry when they are swimming home, and they completely forget to watch out for trouble.


Super Guinea Pig to the Rescue

Little guinea pig is obsessed with his favorite TV show and with its star, Super Guinea Pig. Every day he tunes in to watch Super Guinea Pig save the world from evil and terrible disasters. And every day he ignores his friends—an old hound dog, a yellow bird, and a plump goldfish—to watch his hero. When they start making fun of little guinea pig and asking why his new best friend never visits him, he dresses up as Super Guinea Pig to teach his friends a lesson. Leaping and acting like his hero, little guinea pig gets himself into a bit of trouble and calls upon Super Guinea Pig for help. His real friends save him the day.

Baby Baby Blah Blah Blah!

When her parents tell Emily that they are going to have a baby, she makes a list of the pros and cons of what is to come, which includes everyone saying baby this and baby that and baby blah blah blah when it arrives.


Everyone says Toby is cute. But Toby is tired of being cute. He wants to change his image. He starts with a pair of cool shades but they don’t seem to do the trick. He will have to find other ways to look tough. When he nearly crashes his motorcycle right into the Zebra crossing, Toby is struck by love at first sight.

Franny’s Friends

Franny and her friends are going on an outing. They find a cozy little place under a tree for a picnic. After a delicious snack, it’s time for an expedition. But Franny has so many friends to keep track of. And suddenly Itty Bitty Kitty and Little Heddy are gone. But no worries, they can’t have wandered too far off. And when the group searches together, it isn’t long before the missing friends are located.

Little Old Ladies

Don’t be fooled by the pillbox hats, pearl necklaces, or support hose. Ignore the walkers, hearing aids, and false teeth. Little old ladies are people to be reckoned with and lead far more exciting lives than we could ever imagine. To benefit from these wonderful women, all you have to do is listen. In this quirky, uproarious picture book, Franziska Kalch uncovers the secrets of this often misunderstood population. You won’t find these old ladies feeding the ducks at the pond or walking at the local mall. Instead, look for them at the trendiest dance clubs or basking by the pool. They have so many experiences and ideas to share. We just have to ask.

James The Dancing Dog

James the beagle was a real dog. His master and mistress worked with the National Ballet of Canada, and between 1961 and 1972 he went with them to the studio, the rehearsal hall, and the theater where the dancers performed. Perhaps this is what James dreamed about when he lay quietly on the floor, his eyes fastened on the twirling dancers.From puppyhood James wanted to dance. Now, he certainly helped the dancers. He practiced their lifts with them. He helped them keep their figures trim by sharing their lunches. He allowed himself to be patted as a good luck talisman before the dancers went on stage. But this was not enough for James. In his heart he longed to be a dancer himself, to soar across the stage, the spotlight on him. One day the notice is posted that the company is to perform Giselle. The ballet includes a meaty role for a hunting dog, and James is sure that his moment has come. But the role goes instead to a long-legged wolfhound. James is left out in the cold. That is, until the wolfhound gets stage fright.

Nikolai, The Only Bear

There are one hundred orphans at the Russian orphanage, but Nikolai is the only bear. He growls when he speaks and claws the air when he plays. “Play nice, Nikolai,” the keepers say. No one wants to take Nikolai home. Until one day, when a fur-faced man and a smooth-faced woman come to visit from America. They growl with him and play with him, and sing songs that make him feel soft-bearish. And when it’s time for them to go home, Nikolai knows that he has found the right family at last.