Words and pictures sing together in this light and glorious ode to nature and those who live among it.
The Forest

An allegorical view of human life as an exploratory journey through an ancient forest.
Otto and the Secret Light of Christmas

One day Otto, an elfin adventurer, finds a postcard on the seashore showing pictures of beautiful sparkling lights in the night sky with the words, ‘The light of Christmas!’ If this ‘Christmas’ can brighten even the gloomiest Finnish winter, Otto decides he must find it.
The Bear Who Wasn’t There

Bear’s search for himself doesn’t matter so much as the charm of Lavie’s storytelling voice as he narrates it . . . Erlbruch gives the bear big, puzzled-looking eyes and a lovable grin. He lives in a forest made of ornate trees seemingly lifted from vintage engravings, whose delicate lines play off Bear’s dumpy figure. Bear’s encounters with various characters—the Turtle Taxi, the Penultimate Penguin—feature gentle wordplay and Lewis Carroll–like paradoxes . . . Everything is new to Bear, and his discoveries will delight readers.
The Brave Little Parrot

Because the brave little parrot does the thing that comes from its heart as it takes precious drops of water to the burning forest, things change in ways no one could imagine.
The Bear’s Surprise

Waking up from his long winter’s nap, Little Bear searches for his father along a forest path that leads him to a mysterious cave, an exciting circus, and a family surprise.
The Big Blue Thing on the Hill

When the Big Blue Thing, a camper van to us humans, arrives on Howling Hill, the local wildlife all agree it has to go. First the wolves try to scare it away, then the bears, boars, and foxes have a turn. Finally the wise owls suggest sending the smallest critters — the insects — to do the job. A cloud of bees, flies, and dragonflies make sure that the Big Blue Thing runs away at top speed!
Over There

When Shredder, a little shrew who lives alone, overcomes his worry and sets out to explore what lies beyond the forest, he finds himself in trouble and discovers a new friend.
The Sound Of Thunder

This conclusion to the Bigfoot Boy graphic novel trilogy adds a backdrop of Pacific Northwest mythology to the popular story about an ordinary boy who becomes a hero through the power of magic.
Shh! We Have a Plan

Four friends creep through the woods, and what do they spot? An exquisite bird high in a tree! “Hello birdie,” waves one. “Shh! We have a plan,” hush the others. They stealthily make their advance, nets in the air. Ready one, ready two, ready three, and go! But as one comically foiled plan follows another, it soon becomes clear that their quiet, observant companion, hand outstretched, has a far better idea.