The story of a young girl’s escape from North Korea, based on the life of the authors’ mother.
Catalog sorted by age group
Animal Tails
Why do animals have tails? Do they always serve a function? Does that use vary from animal to animal? These questions about these most curious of appendages are answered in a way that manages to be both informative as well as being a delightful guessing game.
The Moles and the Mireuk: A Korean Folktale
A mole goes to the sky, sun, clouds, and wind in search of the most powerful husband for his daughter, only to find him among his own kind.
A Tale of Two Tengu: A Japanese Folktale
Two Japanese goblins with long, lovely noses decide to prove once and for all whose proboscis is the most beautiful.
The Boy of the Three-Year Nap
A poor Japanese woman maneuvers events to change the lazy habits of her son.
Older Brother, Younger Brother
After being turned out by his greedy older brother, Hungbu and his family manage to prosper when his kindness to an injured sparrow is richly rewarded.
Tasty Baby Belly Buttons
Urikohime, a girl born from a melon, battles the monstrous oni, who steal babies to eat their tasty belly buttons.
D Is for Dragon Dance
A is for Acrobats. B is for Balls. C is for Calligraphy. D is for Dragon Dance. From firecrackers to noodles, from red envelopes to the zodiac, young readers are introduced to the exciting traditions of the Chinese New Year.
Ten Oni Drummers
One by one, ten tiny oni, Japanese goblin-like creatures, grow larger and larger as they beat their drums on the sand, chasing away bad dreams.
The Rabbit’s Judgment
Tricked into freeing a hungry tiger from a trap, a man refuses to let the tiger eat him until they get another opinion on the situation from a disinterested party.