The famous poem, taken from The collected poems of Langston Hughes.
Material appropriate for primary age groups
The famous poem, taken from The collected poems of Langston Hughes.
For International Day at school, Pablo wants to bring something that reflects the cultures of both his parents.
Jack the blackbird and Jim the seagull become friends, but Jack is sad that the other seagulls do not seem to like him.
See the review at WOW Review, Volume 3, Issue 2
Provides further exercises in learning the shapes and sounds of Arabic letters. Students also learn to group, match, color, analyze, and synthesize as they progress through the well tested and beautifully presented activities. The activities instill independent learning.
“My Arabic Words Book” presents an illustrated book featuring an Arabic word for each of the twenty eight letters of the alphabet, presented in Arabic script and transliterated Roman script along with the English translation.
A ten-year-old Lebanese boy balances his life in a war-torn city.
This book has been included in WOW’s Kids Taking Action Booklist. For our current list, visit our Boolist page under Resources in the green navigation bar.
This Korean version of Little Red Riding Hood is a pourquoi for the sun and moon creation. The boy and girl become the sun and the moon after the life-threatening tiger is killed. The tiger is as greedy as the wolf in western version of Little Red Riding Hood.
Thanks to a quick-witted rabbit and a seaworthy turtle, an ill dragon king regains his desire to live. This is one of the most popular folktales in Korea.
The story of a young girl’s escape from North Korea, based on the life of the authors’ mother.
Why do animals have tails? Do they always serve a function? Does that use vary from animal to animal? These questions about these most curious of appendages are answered in a way that manages to be both informative as well as being a delightful guessing game.