This is a book about the time when the Dutch were in Taiwan–not about who won or lost, not about ‘us’ or ‘them,’ just about people living on an island a long time ago.
Primary (ages 6-9)
Material appropriate for primary age groups
The Phantom Mudder
All dogs like mud. All dogs like biscuits. This is a fact. But when mud and biscuits happen at the same time, Jack knows there is skulldoggery in the air. Who is mudding the show dogs of Doggeroo?
Why Corn Is Golden: Stories About Plants
Mexican folktales tell how flowers were named, how an old man outsmarted a tribe of chocolate-stealing warriors, and how a drink made from the aloe plant led to the marriage of a king and princess.
The Ant And The Astronaut
An ant meets an astronaut one day as he is landing back on earth, and the astronaut tells him of his space travels and some stories about the other side of the world.
Temple Cat
A temple cat in ancient Egypt grows tired of being worshipped and cared for in a reverent fashion and travels to the seaside, where she finds genuine affection with a fisherman and his children.
Erandi’s Braids
In a poor Mexican village, Erandi surprises her mother by offering to sell her long, beautiful hair in order to raise enough money to buy a new fishing net.
Borka: The Adventures Of A Goose With No Feathers
Borka, a goose with no feathers, has a hard life until a kindly dog and a sailor take her to Kew Gardens in London, where she finds a home and acceptance.
Beneath The Stone: A Mexican Zapotec Tale
The customs and daily life of the small village of Oaxaca, Mexico, are shown through the eyes of a six-year-old Zapotec Indian boy.
Big Rain Coming
As one dry day follows another in the Australian outback, everyone and everything is waiting for the rain, which seems as though it will never come.
Lizzie Nonsense: A Story Of Pioneer Days
Her mother calls it nonsense when Lizzie pretends that their house is pretty or that a bath is the sea, but it turns out that imagination runs in the family.