The Adventures of Thor the Thunder God

He is the biggest and mightiest of the gods. If he tightens his belt, he doubles his strength. If he swings his hammer, lightning flashes. When he races his billy goats across the sky, their hooves kick up huge thunderclouds. And when the folks below in Middle Earth hear a boom of thunder, they always smile, for they know their loyal Thor, protector and defender of civilization, has once again brought order to the universe.

The Little Mermaid

A little sea princess, longing to be human, trades her mermaid’s tail for legs, hoping to win the love of a prince and earn an immortal soul for herself.

Frog and a Very Special Day

Frog is excited — Hare has promised him that today will be a very special day. Nobody seems to know why, so Frog resolves to find out. Frog decides that Hare has been playing a trick on him…but has he?

Guess How Much I Love You

Little Nutbrown Hare loves big Nutbrown Hare as far as be can reach and as high as he can hop. But Big Nutbrown Hare loves him as far as his long arms can reach and as high as his strong legs can hop. Well then, Little Nutbrown Hare loves Big Nutbrown Hare right up to the moon.

Little Blue and Little Yellow

Little Blue and Little Yellow are best friends, but one day they can’t find each other. When they finally do, they give each other such a big hug that they turn green! How they find their true colors again concludes a wonderfully satisfying story told with colorful pieces of torn paper and very few words.

Guess How Much I Love You: All Year Round

For Little Nutbrown Hare and his father, Big Nutbrown Hare, each season brings new surprises, new discoveries, and new games to play.

Six Crows

While a farmer tends his field of wheat, six hungry crows watch and wait in a nearby tree. When the wheat ripens, the farmer builds a scarecrow to frighten them off, but these ingenious crows are not so easily scared. An owl helps the farmer and the crows reach a compromise over the rights to the wheat crop.