Diary Of A Baby Wombat

The inimitable wombat who shared her adventures (eating, scratching, digging, sleeping) in the wildly successfulDiary of a Wombatis backwith a baby! This time, it’s the baby who tells the story. And a perfect wombat story it is, featuring eating, scratching, digging, sleeping, and playing, as well as the important task of finding a new underground home big enough for baby and Mum. Wry, understated humor and gorgeous, funny illustrations make this new picture book a brilliant next chapter in the wombat saga.

Ivy Loves To Give

Ivy loves to give gifts, even though she doesn’t always give the right present to the right person. (The dog doesn’t need glasses! The cat doesn’t need a pacifier!) And Ivy finds that sometimes it’s hard to give BACK something you’ve borrowed and fallen in love with. But in the end, everyone is matched up with the right present, Ivy gets to keep the thing she likes best, and gives her sister the best gift of all: a big, warm hug!

The Legend Of The Golden Snail

A young boy’s favorite storybook tells of a Golden Snail that lived long ago in the mythical Spiral Isles. When it journeyed through its magical realm, it took on the shape of a fantastical golden sailing ship. One day the ship was captured by a Great Enchanter and put under his spell. After he became bored with the Snail, the Enchanter banished it to the Ends of the Earth so no one else could ever sail in it. There it remains until a new master comes to claim it. Could a young boy named Wilbur be the next master? Featuring Graeme Base’s visually stunning signature art (packed with details, including a hidden “snail and crossbones” to search for in each picture) and a bonus mini book (bound in, nonremovable), “The Legend of the Golden Snail” is an adventure unlike any other.

Song For A Princess

When the birds in the palace garden realize the princess is sad, they decide to offer their best to make her smile again. The peacock tries first, proudly displaying his beautiful plumes, but the princess barely lifts her head to look. Then the magpie brings silver and gold, but she only asks him whose jewels he stole. A banquet from the kingfisher, the jackdaws’ aerial show — nothing helps. Then the wren perches on her balcony and sings a soothing story full of all the happy words he’s been collecting. “Please never leave, little wren,” the princess says, “and I shall never be lonely.”

Henry’s First-Moon Birthday

A young girl helps her grandmother with preparations for the traditional Chinese celebration to welcome her new baby brother.

Mad at Mommy

Little Bunny is VERY MAD at his mommy. She sleeps too late. She talks too much. She watches her silly shows instead of cartoons. And she gets mad for no reason — just a few little bubbles on the floor. The only thing left to do is run away. But does he really want to leave Mommy behind forever? With the charming illustrations and spot-on understanding of young children’s thinking that distinguished THE SNOW DAY and EMILY’S BALLOON, Komako Sakai brings us a REALLY ANGRY — and ultimately sweet — new story.