The Cat’s Tale: Why the Years Are Named for Animals

Willow’s pet cat Mao relates how the Jade Emperor chose twelve animals to represent the years in the Chinese calendar.

Brave Story

Young Wataru Mitani’s life is a mess. His father has abandoned him and his mother has been hospitalized after a suicide attempt. Desperately he searches for some way to change his life—a way to alter his fate. To achieve his goal, he must navigate the magical world of Vision, a land filled with creatures both fierce and friendly. And to complicate matters, he must outwit a merciless rival from the real world. Wataru’s ultimate destination is the Tower of Destiny where a goddess of fate awaits. Only when he has finished his journey and collected five elusive gemstones will he possess the Demon’s Bane—the key that will unlock his future.   Charity, bravery, faith, grace and the power of darkness and light: these are the provinces of each gemstone. Brought together, they have the immeasurable power to bring Wataru’s family back together again.

H.I.V.E.: The Overlord Protocol

Otto Malpense and his friends thought their first year at the Higher Institute of Villainous Education was the most adventurous and exciting that they would ever encounter. They were dead wrong. When Otto and Wing are allowed off campus to attend Wing’s father’s funeral in Japan, they have no idea it’s a trap, all part of a lethal plan organized by Cypher, the most ruthless supervillain any of them have ever known. He intends to use them to retrieve the Overlord Protocol, a device that has the capacity to help him take over the world. But when things go terribly wrong, Otto will stop at nothing to hunt him down and make him pay. With the help of Laura, Shelby, Raven, and his former nemesis, Dr. Nero, Otto must find a way to defeat an enemy that has overcome some of the planet’s most infamous villains without even breaking a sweat. Because if he doesn’t, the world as they know it will be changed forever.

The Park Bench

All through the sunny day the white bench in the park provides pleasure for the many people who come by, from the old man taking a walk to the children playing in the park. This is a Japanese/English bilingual book.

Hannah Duck

Most days, Hannah Duck is peaceful and content. Most days, but not Sundays. Sundays are the days that Hannah Duck goes for a walk. And outside, alone, is a very scary place to be. But when Hannah confides in her friends and faces her fears, she discovers that being brave can open new worlds of friendship and beauty.

Who Made this Cake?

Imagine an industrialized Lilliput. Imagine an enormous construction site. Imagine a birthday cake like no other. Little people use big machines to make a giant birthday cake, in this fun story.

Mieko and the Fifth Treasure

When the bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, Mieko’s nearby village was turned into ruins, and her hand was badly injured. Mieko loves to do calligraphy more than anything, but now she can barely hold a paintbrush. And she feels as if she has lost something that she can’t paint without-the legendary fifth treasure, beauty in the heart. Then she is sent to live with her grandparents and must go to a new school. But Mieko is brave and eventually learns that time and patience can help with many things, and may even help her find the fifth treasure. Written by the author of Sadako and the Thousand Cranes, Mieko,s story will touch the hearts of all its readers.