The Lady with the Hat

Yulek, a seventeen-year-old Holocaust survivor, finds himself tragically alone at war’s end. Hoping to begin again, he makes his way to Palestine, where he meets a sad and beautiful Jewish girl named Theresa. Saved from the Nazis by Catholic nuns, Theresa, like Yulek, is uncertain about her place in the postwar world. Together they struggle to rediscover the joy of living. Meanwhile, a mysterious English woman sets out on her own search for the long-lost nephew that she has spotted in a newspaper photo of Jewish refugees. Perhaps by finding him, she will also find some long-hidden part of herself.

Surviving Hitler

Caught up in Hitler’s Final Solution to annihilate Europe’s Jews, 15-year-old Jack is torn from his family and thrown into the nightmarish world of the concentration camps. Jack forges friendships with other prisoners, and together they struggle to make it one more days.

Cat and Mouse

Mother mouse and mother cat taught their children about the world but one little cat and one little mouse weren’t paying attention. The cat and the mouse become friends and their siblings join them.


In the winter of 1943, a Polish physician and her older daughter make a dangerous and arduous trek to Hungary while seven-year-old Malka, who they were forced to leave behind when she became ill, fends for herself in a ghetto.