Tūtū Nēnē The Hawaiian Mother Goose

“Tutu Nene: The Hawaiian Mother Goose Rhymes” features classic nursery tales with a local twist. Little Miss Muffet who sat on a tuffet becomes Little Miss Aku who sat on a pohaku (rock), Mary and her little lamb become Malia and her little mo’o (gecko), the itsy bitsy spider becomes the itsy bitsy bufo (frog) and much more.

Queenie: One Elephant’s Story

The true and tragic story of one of the most famous elephants of all time: Queenie, the gentle Indian elephant. Evoking a time when elephants were giving rides in zoos all around the world, the true story of Queenie follows her from her birth in an Indian jungle to Australia’s Melbourne Zoo, where she lived for more than forty years.


It is important for children to understand the cycle of life, while learning that with such understanding comes responsibility. A responsibility to the environment.The “Picture Roo Book Series” does just that. In each title, Pauline Reilly, aided by the illustrations of Will Rolland, explains the life cycle of an animal native to the Australian region. Written in a style simple enough for younger children, but containing a wealth of facts, these books will aid in shaping a positive view of wildlife and the world.For children who wish to learn about exotic animals, and who want to gain a better understanding of the natural world they live in, the “Picture Roo Book Series” will open doors to understanding.