A story inspired by events in the boyhood of Winston “Spree” Simon, a pioneer in the development of the steel drum, in which he discovers he can create tunes by banging on discarded cans. Includes author’s note, glossary, and sources.
musical instruments
The Song Of Six Birds
Wishing to make beautiful music with the flute that was given to her by her mother, young Lindiwe captures the songs of six different birds in her flute and shares the irresistible tune with the people of her African village.
Tortoni Tremolo: The Cursed Musician
Musician Tortoni Tremolo’s constant practicing so annoys his neighbor that she puts a curse on him, but to her dismay the spell does not have the desired effect.
The Flute Player / Flautista, La
When a flute’s owner believes it to be in need of repair, a little girl blows out butterflies, an owl, two fish, a nightingale, green leaves, and a great bunch of goose feathers.
El Ruido De La Música
When Martucha’s musically talented family comes to visit, she is horrified and frustrated because of all the noise.
The Little Golden Lamb
In this joyfully retold Hungarian version of “The Golden Goose,” a shepherd lad befriends a lamb whose fleece is the color of gold. The lad and the lamb set off on a journey, with the lamb dancing and frolicking as the boy plays his flute. Along the way they meet one person after another who tries to put an end to their merriment, but soon enough each has no choice but to join the cheerful procession and help the shepherd boy win his fortune and fulfill his destiny. Whimsically illustrated in delicious colors, this lively tale about the magic of music and the infectiousness of a light heart will have young children ready to join in the celebration.
Squash It!
After the king of Spain is bitten by a louse, he proclaims that it cannot be killed as it now has royal blood, and when the louse dies, he has it made it into a guitar and has a contest, making others guess what his unique guitar is made of.