Describes the geography, history, government, economy, people, religion, language, and culture of Thailand, a predominantly Buddhist country located in Southeast Asia. Includes several recipes.
Guru Nanak
Details the life and times of Guru Nanak, founder of the Sikh faith.
Golden Domes and Silver Lanterns
In simple rhyming text a young Muslim girl and her family guide the reader through the traditions and colors of Islam.
Talking Eagle And The Lady Of Roses

This is the traditional story, told simply and elegantly, of how Juan Diego meets the beautiful Lady on a windswept hilltop in December and carries her message to the disbelieving bishop. The Lady fills Juanz’s cloak with full-blooming roses and impresses her image on its fibers as a sign for the bishop to fulfill her request of building a house of prayers. The story tells of how, over many years, countless hands built the great church dedicated to the Lady of Roses, Nuestra Senora Guadalupe on the hill of Tepeyac. Everyone will enjoy the story of Talking Eagle and the Lady of Roses and the wild and glorious illustrations of award-winning, Taos, New Mexico, artist Amy Cordova. Also included is an informative afterword by Gene Gollogly.
Ancient Egypt: Tales of Gods and Pharaohs

Fifty-six newly released titles that provide a fascinating portrait of the many peoples that inhabit Africa. These books have natural curriculum tie-ins with multiculturalism, geography, and social studies.
Noah’s Ark

A simple retelling of the Bible story in which Noah builds an ark and saves two of each kind of animal from the great Flood.

Gennady Spirin created one original, spectacular oil painting to illustrate thirteen principal events in the life of Jesus: The Annunciation, The Birth, The Baptism, The Child in the Temple, The Fast and Temptation of Jesus, The Marriage at Cana, The Sermon on the Mount, The Transfiguration, The Raising of Lazurus at Bethany, The Last Supper, The Crucifixion, The Resurrection, and The Ascension into Heaven. Each section of Spirin’s painting corresponds to the events in Jesus’ life and has been lifted and reproduced to illustrate the book’s Biblical text. A note about the painting and the book’s innovative design is included.

Describes how Noah obeyed God at the time of the great flood and preserved two of each kind of animal in the world.
David And Goliath

The acclaimed illustrator of Cyclops and Jason and the Golden Fleece embellishes with his beautiful, full-color drawings, the story of David, whose faith in God helped him to challenge Goliath, the towering Philistine giant.