When Prince Ivan sets out to find the Firebird for his father the tsar, he must complete a series of tasks before obtaining the Firebird and winning the hand of a beautiful princess.
When Prince Ivan sets out to find the Firebird for his father the tsar, he must complete a series of tasks before obtaining the Firebird and winning the hand of a beautiful princess.
This book retells the orchestral fairy tale in which a boy ignores his grandfather’s warnings and captures a wolf with the help of a bird, a duck, and a cat.
Baby Hajime spends a night talking and laughing with the animals in the North Woods but chooses to return to his parents in the morning.
A young Inuit vows revenge when a wolf kills his dog.
The fables of La Fontaine are one of the great treasures of French literature. Based on Aesop’s legendary tales, La Fontaine’s stories capture the charm, the humor, and the wisdom of the seventeenth century. This book offers prose adaptations of the fables of La Fontaine’s most beloved poems.
Life is pretty sweet for the three little pigs until a hungry wolf named Tempesto shows up one morning. Percy, Pete, and Prudence refuse to let themselves become breakfast without a fight.
Much-loved fairy tales leap to life in this series of lively retellings. When a little girl puts her picnic basket over her arm and sets off through the woods to grandmother’s house, one of the best-loved fairy tales of all time unfolds.
“Nothing ever happens here,” the shepherd thinks. But the bored boy knows what would be exciting: He cries that a wolf is after his sheep, and the town’s people come running. How often can that trick work, though?B.G. Hennessy’s retelling of this timeless fable is infused with fanciful whimsy through Boris Kulikov’s hilarious and ingenious illustrations. This tale is sure to leave readers grinning sheepishly.
Wolf is feeling offended and indignant: All the wolves he’s ever read about are nasty, scary, and greedy! To set the record straight he decides to write a story about a nice wolf. But will his wolfish instincts get the better of him after all? Author/illustrator Mei Matsuoka’s simple yet sophisticated art imbues Wolf’s story of searching for a friend with wry humor and subtle wit.
When Granny asks Pretty Salma to go to the market one day, she warns her not to talk to strangers. But cunning Mr. Dog tricks Salma, and before she knows it, he’s wearing her stripy ntama, her pretty white beads, and her yellow sandals. And he’s on his way to Granny’s house! African culture and flavor infuse this inventive retelling of a favorite fairy tale, and the vibrant lively illustrations bring it to life. The result is a story that combines new and old and spans cultures as successfully as it has spanned the centuries.