Time for Bed

As darkness falls parents everywhere try to get their children ready for sleep.

Fiesta! Board Book

Horns, airplanes, and tops. Whistles, gum, and rings. What should the children choose? And what will they do with all the things they buy? Open this book to find out and to count with them — in English and in Spanish. It’s easy! Trompetas, aviones y trompos. Silbatos, chicles y anillos. ¿QuÉ deben escoger los niÑos? ¿Y quÉ harÁn con todas las cosas que compran? Abra este libro para averiguarlo, y para contar con ellos — en inglÉs y en espanol. Es fÁcil.

Monsters Aren’t Real

Beaten down by a ubiquitous chorus of denials (see title), a monster suffers an existential crisis.

Surrounded by emphatic claims that it doesn’t even exist, a monster sets out not only to prove the contrary, but to establish its scariness credentials too. Alas, neither blasting the world with graffiti and printed fliers nor rearing up menacingly over a baby in a carriage, children at the barre in a ballet class and other supposedly susceptible victims elicits any response. Juggling some cows attracts attention but not the terrified kind. But the monster’s final despairing surrender—“That’s it! It’s over! I give up! … /  Monsters aren’t real (sniff)”—triggers an indignant denial of a different sort from a second, smaller but wilder-looking, creature. It takes the first in hand and leads it off, declaring “We’re two big, strong, scary monsters, and we’ll prove it.” In truth, it won’t escape even very young readers that neither is particularly scary-looking. Indeed, the protagonist-monster is depicted in the sparsely detailed cartoon illustrations as a furry, almost cuddly, bearlike hulk with light-blue spots, antlers and comically googly eyes, certain to provoke more giggles than screams.

Small Bunny’s Blue Blanket

Small Bunny does everything with Blue Blanket.  Blue Blanket helps him paint the best picures, go the highest on the swings, and read the hardest words.  They need each other.  But one day, Small Bunny’s mother insists Blue Blanket must be washed.  She says Blue Blanket will be as good as new after.  But Small bunny isn’t sure he like “new”.  Will his friends ever be the same?

Elephant Joe, Brave Knight

Oh no! The Dark Knight has stolen the King’s crown!  Who will rescue it?  Elephant Joe will!  (With his trusty sidekick, Zebra Pete, of Course.)  But there’s an unexpected twist in this tale.  Is the damsel in distress who she sems to be?  And what happens when Elephant Joe and Zebra Pete wake the dragon guarding the Dark Knight’s tower?  There’ll be lots of jousting and heroics before this comical adventure is over!

Hide & Seek

As the light shines through the leaves of the forest, the animals gather for a game of hide-and-seek.  Elephant counts as all the animals run and hide!  But when it’s time to seek, will Elephant find everyone…including Chameleon?  Practice counting from 1 to 10 and search for Chameleon in the pages of this delightful new book from celebrated illustrator Il Sung Na.

The Churki-Burki Book Of Rhyme

Meet Churko and burki, the rhyming sister, and spend a day with them in their billage, playing and singing songs.  Adapted from the Gond arist Durga Bai’s rendering of her own childhood in her village Paranghr, this is a merry tale of fun and rhyme.

Humpty Dumpty And Friends

Meet old favorites like Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee and, of course, Humpty Dumpty. Then make new friends with some less-known rhymes like Robin the Bobbin, the Three Wise Men of Gotham, and the Lion and the Unicorn. Oleg Lipchenko has selected twenty traditional rhymes to illustrate with his enormously skillful and witty images. Perfect for gift-giving, this book demands to be shared. It is a book for both lovers of of art and of nursery rhymes.